In the public section, the url for a business should use a slug instead of the id. Since the name should be unique, there should be no problem with overlap of urls.
The replacement of some characters will be irreversible so it would not be possible to find a business by name by providing the slug. It will then need to be stored in the database. There is a "Sluggable" interface for doctrine. This might be a good way to implement it or maybe simply to do it by hand.
Ideally, the slug is a different concern for the entity and could be stored elsewhere.
In the public section, the url for a business should use a slug instead of the id. Since the name should be unique, there should be no problem with overlap of urls.
The replacement of some characters will be irreversible so it would not be possible to find a business by name by providing the slug. It will then need to be stored in the database. There is a "Sluggable" interface for doctrine. This might be a good way to implement it or maybe simply to do it by hand.
Ideally, the slug is a different concern for the entity and could be stored elsewhere.