Closed xibeixingchen closed 1 year ago
Can you attach the full log of perSVade? I can't see the error now.
Best, Miquel Àngel Schikora
Is this solved? If so you may close this issue.
Best, Miquel Àngel Schikora
Hi, Is this solved? I'd close the issue if so.
Miquel Àngel Schikora Barcelona Supercomputing Center
I restarted the unbuntu server, using code commands, like
singularity exec -e /home/jiazc/software/persvade_v1.sif bash -c 'source /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/ && conda activate perSVade_env && python /perSVade/scripts/perSVade call_SVs --ref /home/jiazc/work/alfalfa_genome/Muxu_Genome_Final_filter.fasta --mitochondrial_chromosome no_mitochondria --SVcalling_parameters /home/jiazc/work/persvade_output/parameter_optimization_random/optimized_parameters.json --repeats_file skip --verbose --fraction_available_mem 0.3 --threads 16 -o /home/jiazc/work/persvade_output/B186/call_SVs -sbam /home/jiazc/work/persvade_output/B186/aligned_reads/aligned_reads.bam.sorted'
.but there was an error. How can I fix it. aligned_reads.bam.sorted.generating.txtThanks , Best, Jia