Closed xibeixingchen closed 2 years ago
It seems that you ran out of disk, is this possible? I have seen that when using custom regions for SV simulations (as you do) there may be a lot of intermediate files created, specially on large genomes. Can you send the full STDERR/STDOUT of perSVade to check it? If its a problem of filesystem, can you run this in another computer wiith more disk?
Going through your command I see this '--max_coverage_sra_reads' argument, which should not work on 'optimize_parameters'. Could removing this solve the issue?
Miquel Àngel Schikora
Thank you for your professional answers. With your help, the problem has now been solved.
Thanks, Best, Zhicheng Jia
When I used code like
singularity exec -e /home/jiazc/work/persvade_output/persvade_v1.sif bash -c 'source /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/ && conda activate perSVade_env && python /perSVade/scripts/perSVade optimize_parameters --ref /home/jiazc/work/alfalfa_genome/Muxu_Genome_Final_filter.fasta -o /home/jiazc/work/persvade_output/parameter_optimization -sbam /home/jiazc/work/sort_bam/B195.sort.markdup.bam --mitochondrial_chromosome no_mitochondria --fraction_available_mem 0.6 --repeats_file /home/jiazc/work/persvade_output/repeat_inference/ --regions_SVsimulations /home/jiazc/work/persvade_output/find_hom_regions/breakpoints_aroundHomRegions_wsize=500bp_maxEval=1e-05_minQcovS=50.bedpe --max_coverage_sra_reads 30 --simulation_ploidies haploid'
, but a error is present.INFO: Converting SIF file to temporary sandbox... FATAL: while extracting /home/jiazc/work/persvade_output/persvade_v1.sif: root filesystem extraction failed: failed to copy content in staging file: write /tmp/rootfs-645513470/archive-2796493803: no space left on device
What should I do?
Thanks, Best.