GaborTorma / nuxt-dayjs-i18n

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bug: Hydration mismatch prefix strategy with redirectOn #6

Open reslear opened 7 months ago

reslear commented 7 months ago

started to see a problem with detectBrowserLanguage - redirectOn - strategy prefix

Hydration text content mismatch in

  detectBrowserLanguage: {
    useCookie: true,
    cookieKey: 'i18n_redirected',
    redirectOn: 'all',
    alwaysRedirect: true,
    cookieCrossOrigin: true,
  strategy: 'prefix',
Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 02 01 06


  1. go
  2. run playground with en-GB
  3. add to url prefix: 'hu' ( or devtools - sensors - location, and click reload icon.
  4. inspect frame