GabrielNakamura / FishPhyloMaker

Making phylogenies for a list of fish species
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Vignette error #11

Open brunomioto opened 2 years ago

brunomioto commented 2 years ago


I tried to run the Vignette , but there's an error with a wrong object name

tree.PR<- phylo_fish_streams$Phylogeny

tree.PR <- ape::makeNodeLabel(tree.PR)
phylo <- tree.PR

rm.famNames <- which(table(taxon_dataPR$f) == 1) # monotipic families

gives Error in table(taxon_dataPR$f) : object 'taxon_dataPR' not found

brunomioto commented 2 years ago

I tried it with taxon_data$Taxon_data_FishPhyloMaker$f and it seemed to work, but I can't run the for loop