GabrielOlvH / Industrial-Revolution

An Industrial mod made for Fabric.
Apache License 2.0
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[REQUEST] EMI Compatibility #492

Open Gronglegrowth opened 1 year ago

Gronglegrowth commented 1 year ago



Ristovski commented 10 months ago

It appears that a lot of recipes and even items (like Nikolite Dust) do not show up in JEI and/or EMI (EMI can be used together with JEI for greater compat). It appears that only REI works out of the box.

@GabrielOlvH Are there plans to fix this compatibility issue? I wonder why certain items/recipes only show/work in REI.

ZestyBlaze commented 10 months ago

It's not a compatability issue. Speaking as another developer, its because we need to write the code to make our mods work with JEI, EMI and REI separately, so they don't just work fluently with each other

Ristovski commented 10 months ago

I see, sorry for the confusion. I thought it was some compatibility issue as only some recipes that don't show up, and I can't figure out the common link between them.

ZestyBlaze commented 10 months ago

It's all good, its basically because whenever you have a general minecraft recipe type, stuff like crafting, smelting, blasting etc. Those recipe handlers will handle them on their own, so any recipes in the mod that use vanilla crafting mechanisms will show automatically regardless of the recipe viewer But if a custom recipe type is used, like mods like this do tend to use, such as for machines or whatnot, then a developer needs to write some code to tell EMI, JEI or REI how to handle it, how to display it etc. And each of these mods handle it differently and require you write it differently too

SRTRVTH commented 6 months ago

Any potential updates on proper EMI support? I am also not seeing a large amount of items in EMI; they do show up in recipes themselves but not the EMI sidebar where we can see craftable items.