GabrielOlvH / Industrial-Revolution

An Industrial mod made for Fabric.
Apache License 2.0
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Industrial Revolution messes with CTs globalAttributeModifiers [BUG] #497

Closed dev-lukas closed 1 year ago

dev-lukas commented 1 year ago

Description: Editing/Changing global attributes from armor using CraftTweaker results in only temporary changes that get discarded when the armor get´s equipped. Each armor, even from different mods, revert to their vanilla values when equipped.

Steps to Reproduce: Change the armor value using CT, for example like this:

import crafttweaker.api.item.MCItemStack; import crafttweaker.api.item.IItemStack; import crafttweaker.api.entity.attribute.AttributeOperation;

.addGlobalAttributeModifier(, "9f3d476d-c118-4544-8365-64846904b48e", "Diamond Chestplate Nerf", 7, AttributeOperation.ADDITION, []); Have also Industrial Revolution installed. The chestplate will have 7 armor while in inventory, but when equipped it reverts back to 8 armor. **Technical Information:** - Minecraft: 1.19.2 - Fabric API: 0.64.0+1.19.2 - Industrial Revolution: 1.15.1-BETA
dev-lukas commented 1 year ago

With the new CraftTweaaker Update, this bug got fixed.