GabrielOlvH / WirelessNetworks

Apache License 2.0
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Fixes crash on 1.20.1 #29

Open Drew-Chase opened 4 months ago

Drew-Chase commented 4 months ago

Fixed issue #28

  1. Updated the Fabric dependencies (fabricloader and fabric) to newer versions for better compatibility and performance.

  2. Refactored the 'NetworkNodeScreen' class to improve code readability, specifically made changes to braces, style, and format of control flow structures.

  3. Made updates in the 'WWarning' class to guard against null values and optimized the width of background rendering.

  4. Upgraded Gradle version to 8.6 in file to optimize build performance and fix known issues.

  5. Updated the version of fabric-loom plugin from '1.2-SNAPSHOT' to '1.6-SNAPSHOT' in build.gradle file to leverage the upgrades in the build tool.

  6. Updated several versions, including loader_version, fabric_version, mod_version, and libgui_version, in the file to ensure compatibility with the latest dependencies and improve the performance of the mod.