Gabriella439 / Haskell-Morte-Library

A bare-bones calculus-of-constructions
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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transformers version #67

Open joeyh opened 6 years ago

joeyh commented 6 years ago

I had trouble installing annah and morte because ghc 8.0.2 bundles a newer transformers than their cabal files allow.

The quick start with stack instructions for morte still work, but the ones for annah failed.

joey@darkstar:~/tmp/x>cat stack.yaml resolver: lts-8.0 packages: [] extra-deps:

  • annah-1.0.0 joey@darkstar:~/tmp/x>stack build annah While constructing the BuildPlan the following exceptions were encountered:

-- Failure when adding dependencies:
optparse-applicative: needed (<0.13), found (latest applicable is pipes: needed (>=4.0.0 && <4.2), 4.3.2 found (latest applicable is 4.1.9) transformers: needed (>= && <0.5), found (latest applicable is needed for package annah-1.0.0

I widened the bounds of morte to transformers < 0.7 and it built ok.

Gabriella439 commented 6 years ago

@joeyh: So I think the issue is that this was fixed in annah's master branch on GitHub but not yet published to Hackage. Could you verify that stack install works if you check out annah from GitHub? If so then I can publish it to Hackage

montokapro commented 6 years ago

Confirmed, stack install works using annah's master branch