Closed rpglover64 closed 10 years ago
is already a wrapper over the Prelude's foldl'
, but I definitely would like to wrap scanl
, too (and also provide a monadic scan). The non-trivial part is writing it in terms of foldr
in order to get build
fusion. Were you interested in contributing this?
I don't think I have the expertise to do so.
I'll give this a go.
So question 1 is how do you know if build/foldr fusion is happening? I assumed that I'd see a rewrite in compilation of the existing library but no such luck:
ghc src/Control/Foldl.hs -ddump-simpl-stats -isrc -O3
(from dumped output) 55 RuleFired 8 Class op $p1Applicative 8 Class op <*> 6 Class op fmap 6 Class op fromInteger 6 integerToInt 4 Class op + 4 Class op pure 2 Class op mappend 2 Class op mempty 2 SPEC Control.Foldl.genericIndex [GHC.Types.Int] 2 SPEC Control.Foldl.genericLength [GHC.Types.Int] 1 Class op $p1Integral 1 Class op $p1Ord 1 Class op $p1Real 1 Class op $p2Real 1 Class op ==
The key rule to look for is fold/build
or something like that. To get it to fire you need to do two things:
in terms of foldr
(tricky, but possible)INLINE
pragmaSo, just warming up, something like this but for Foldables?
scan' :: Fold a b -> [a] -> [b]
scan' f as = loop f as []
loop _ [] bs = reverse bs
loop (Fold step begin done) (a:as') bs =
loop f' as' (b:bs)
begin' = foldr step' id [a] begin
step' x k z = k $! step z x
b = done begin'
f' = Fold step begin' done
{-# INLINABLE scan' #-}
I get 2 foldr/nil and 2 fold/build rules firing (so it must be 4 times as fast!).
I assume using toList is cheating? And there seems to be two choices for what scan
I'm getting 2 foldr/nil rule firings for this:
scan :: (Foldable f) => Fold a b -> f a -> [b]
scan (Fold step begin done) as = F.foldr step' done' as begin'
step' x k z = k $! (step (head z) x:z)
done' = map done . reverse
begin' = [begin]
{-# INLINABLE scan #-}
But not sure how to really tell if the rules are firing.
I finally figured this out:
-- | Convert a strict left 'Fold' into a scan
scan :: Fold a b -> [a] -> [b]
scan (Fold step begin done) as = foldr cons nil as begin
nil x = done x:[]
cons a k x = done x:(k $! step x a)
{-# INLINE scan #-}
This preserves laziness, triggers fold/build
fusion, and keeps the accumulator strict.
Here's an example program that I use to test for fusion:
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Foldl as L
main = print $ L.scan (liftA2 (,) L.sum L.length) [0..]
... and fusion fires correctly:
$ ghc -O2 test.hs -ddump-rule-firings
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( test.hs, test.o )
Rule fired: fold/build
Linking test ...
... and here is the generated core, which is really really nice:
main_$sgo =
\ (sc_s1Sl :: Int#)
(sc1_s1Sm :: Int#)
(sc2_s1Sn :: Int#) ->
@ (Int, Int)
(I# sc1_s1Sm, I# sc2_s1Sn)
(case sc_s1Sl of wild_Xi {
(+# wild_Xi 1)
(+# sc1_s1Sm wild_Xi)
(+# sc2_s1Sn 1);
9223372036854775807 ->
@ (Int, Int)
(I# (+# sc1_s1Sm 9223372036854775807),
I# (+# sc2_s1Sn 1))
([] @ (Int, Int))
Fixed by c682f7fa5b5174614b639edd609dd4d5d24838c7
Nice! Now, for bonus points, how do you make it take a foldable ...
It's not hard to write, but it seems like it would be sufficiently common to merit inclusion; they don't meet the interface for