GaetanCambier / spksrc

Cross compilation framework to create native packages for the Synology's NAS (compiled packages for armada38x avaliable)
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SABNZBd on DS416j #3

Open MikeNicolaysen opened 8 years ago

MikeNicolaysen commented 8 years ago

Hi, first many thanks for the packages for Armada388.

Just tried to install SABNZBd from your repo. Installation was successful, but SABNZBd can not be started or it will be stopped immediately after start. Any ideas about that? Phyton is installed from your repo and running. Tried also Midnight Commander, but same problem (Does not start or stops immediately)

Many thanks for some help


GaetanCambier commented 8 years ago


what is your version of dsm ?

MikeNicolaysen commented 8 years ago

6.0 RC

GaetanCambier commented 8 years ago

ok, it's "normal" at this moment the package is not yet compatible with dsm 6.x but the work is in progress i hope that all package are fully compatible BEFORE de filnal release of DSM 6.0

For your information, the packages not compatible with DSM 6.0 are : bitlbee boxbackup-client couchpotatoserver couchpotatoserver-custom darkstat debian-chroot domoticz flexget gateone gentoo-chroot git-server haproxy headphones headphones-custom htpcmanager lazylibrarian lirc maraschino memcached mosquitto mylar nzbget nzbget-testing nzbmegasearch octoprint oscam plexivity pyload redis sabnzbd sabnzbd-testing sickbeard-custom sickrage squidguard subliminal transmission umurmur xdm znc

GaetanCambier commented 8 years ago

For Midnight Commander, this package doesn't start, it's normal This package add the command "mc" in your shell --> not a bug

GaetanCambier commented 8 years ago

A beta package SABnzbd v0.7.20-15 have been pushed on the repository

Changelog : Add support for DSM 6.0

Could you enable beta package in your nas and test this package ?

MikeNicolaysen commented 8 years ago

Hi, many thanks for the fast response. SABnzbd now runs fine :-) But still one problem:

The error message "unzip program not found" is shown in the log -> Maybe unzip must be installed manually?

Actually downloading some rar archives. I will give you a feedback tomorrow wether repairing and extracting worked or not.

Again many thanks. Maybe you can give me a feedback if the other packages are updated for DSM 6? (Looking for pyLoad and SABnzbd V0.8 or higher)

Regards Mike

GaetanCambier commented 8 years ago

A beta package SABnzbd v0.7.20-16 have been pushed on the repository

Changelog : Add unzip support for DSM 6.0

For all other packages, it's mainly a time problem : I developed alone and I have a real job during the day

But a hope that all packages is ready in max 20 days

MikeNicolaysen commented 8 years ago

I fully understand, take your time to update AND have a real life!

Unzip error is now gone. Downloading, repairing and extracting was also working fine for some rar archives. Perfect for me so far :-)

Thank you very much


MikeNicolaysen commented 8 years ago

Hi, it's me again

Today my DS416j updated DSM to 6.0.7321. Same problem with SABNZBd. Installs but does not start anymore (stops immediately)

Can you make it running again for DSM6.0 Final? Maybe you can use SABNZBd V1.0.0 if you update it?

Many Thanks

Regards, Mike