Closed lucienfostier closed 2 years ago
I can't reproduce this in the official GafferHQ builds - have you tested your repro in isolation in one of those? I'm wondering if this is an issue with the IE build, or maybe there is some additional code in your original setup which is necessary to trigger the problem.
Chatted to @danieldresser-ie about this, and it seems like there's a missing step :
Version: Gaffer
I have a Box node with a Spreadsheet node and an expression inside. Some of the cells in the spreadsheet are driven by an image plug child of the box. When I remove a row from the promoted spreadsheet I get the following traceback( see debug log )
Steps to reproduce
Gaffer.PlugAlgo.promote(spreadsheet["rows"] ) row = box["rows"].addRow() row["name"].setValue("test" ) expression.setExpression( inspect.cleandoc( """ import imath import Gaffer import IECoreImage width = parent["test"]["format"].width() height = parent["test"]["format"].height() pa = parent["test"]["format"].getPixelAspect() deep = parent["test"]["deep"] fileSequence = parent["rows"]["row1"]["cells"]["importPath"]["value"] ) if fileSequence: frameList = fileSequence.frameList.asList() header = IECoreImage.ImageReader.create( fileSequence.fileNameForFrame( frameList[0] ) ).readHeader() width = header["displayWindow"].value.size().x height = header["displayWindow"].value.size().y pa = header["PixelAspectRatio"].value deep = header["deep"].value parent["rows"]["row1"]["cells"]["resolution"]["value"] = imath.V2i( width, height ) parent["rows"]["row1"]["cells"]["pixelAspect"]["value"] = pa parent["rows"]["row1"]["cells"]["deep"]["value"] = deep """ ), "python" )
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/software/apps/gaffer/", line 955, in eventFilter return self.mouseButtonDblClick( qObject, qEvent ) File "/software/apps/gaffer/", line 1118, in mouseButtonDblClick return widget._buttonDoubleClickSignal( widget, event ) IECore.Exception: Object "Box1" is not an ancestor of "value". Traceback (most recent call last): File "/software/apps/gaffer/", line 955, in eventFilter return self.mouseButtonDblClick( qObject, qEvent ) File "/software/apps/gaffer/", line 1118, in mouseButtonDblClick return widget._buttonDoubleClickSignal( widget, event ) IECore.Exception: Object "Box1" is not an ancestor of "value".