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Generate and deploy war #159

Open iyush1993 opened 5 years ago

iyush1993 commented 5 years ago

How do I deploy war of admin in tomcat? I tried to do so and have been failing.

I guess there might be something we need to do with artifactId or something I am not sure. But I can access the login page via localhost:9090/mago3d-admin/login/ But once I enter the correct credentials and hit enter, it gets redirected to localhost:9090/login/ I should be redirected to localhost:9090/mago3d-admin/main/ but it is just not working.

I am new to spring boot and have no clue what to do.

cheonjeongdae commented 5 years ago

I used Google Translator.

Forgive me for being late. I was on business.

Is it possible to run mago3d-admin in a local environment? Can I go to the main page after logging in? In the above document, there is local environment setting in Korean. Google Translator will help you understand the content.

If you succeeded in a local environment On the server nginx + tomcat or You can run tomcat alone.

If you run gradle build on local The war file is created in build / libs /. Put it under tomcat's webapps. For linux server, window and configuration file For example, the directory path is different Put it in the real folder gradle build -Pprofile = real To apply settings for your server.

For f4d files nginx root or In tomcat alone, under the webapp of the deployed war so that f4d can be created. For tomcat alone there is no problem with source distribution In the case of war distribution, war is decompressed every time you reboot. I think we should put f4d inside war. Build.gradle is now commented out so that it does not package the f4d directory into war.

The rest seems to be the same as local.

If not, please contact us again.