GaijinEntertainment / daScript

daScript - high-performance statically strong typed scripting language
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Are there any JIT mode optimizations flags? #1120

Open ArtemkaKun opened 1 month ago

ArtemkaKun commented 1 month ago

Hi, I'm trying to compare daScript performance with the performance of my programming language (Spawn) in the Fibonacci example. daScript's performance info states the following:

daScript Just-in-Time compilation is based on LLVM backend, and often outperforms C++, due to daScript providing more information to LLVM than AOT. 

and provides the following table


daScript code I'm benchmarking is the following:

def fibI(n)
    var last = 1
    var cur = 0
    for i in range(n)
        let tmp = cur
        cur += last
        last = tmp
    return cur

def main

I'm running it with just das fibI.das

Spawn code is the following:

fn main() {

fn fib_i(n u64) -> u64 {
    mut last := 1
    mut cur := 0

    for i in 0 .. n {
        tmp := cur
    cur += last
    last = tmp

    return cur

I'm building executable with ./spawnlang --cc clang --opt-fast --show-timings=false -o fib_sp ../fibI.sp

I'm comparing both daScript and Spawn using hyperfine hyperfine -N --warmup 5 "das fibI.das" ../../spawn/fib_sp The results are the following

Benchmark 1: das fibI.das
Time (mean ± σ):     292.5 ms ±  11.0 ms    [User: 276.2 ms, System: 13.6 ms]
Range (min … max):   275.4 ms … 319.6 ms    10 runs

Benchmark 2: ../../spawn/fib_sp
Time (mean ± σ):       4.5 ms ±   0.6 ms    [User: 3.1 ms, System: 1.1 ms]
Range (min … max):     2.2 ms …   5.9 ms    574 runs

../../spawn/fib_sp ran
64.72 ± 8.79 times faster than das fibI.das

Am I doing something wrong? Should I add any optimization flags to daScript build command or something? I can't try AOT for now (see #1119), but seems JIT mode of daScript should perform sometimes better than AOT mode, and I have drastically difference in comparison with my compiled programming language that should have similar performance as AOT

I'm on Arch Linux, with lastest GCC and Clang and dev tools

ArtemkaKun commented 1 month ago

I found options optimize=true in and added it on the top of my file, but seems this changed nothing in term of performance

borisbat commented 1 month ago

das -jit fibI.das it runs interpreted otherwise

ArtemkaKun commented 1 month ago

Hi, thanks for the response. Unfortunately, this doesn't work for me

╰─λ das -jit fibI.das
failed to add extra dependency just_in_time from /home/yuart/Projects/daScript/daslib/just_in_time.das
function 'main' not found
borisbat commented 1 month ago

u'r missing dasLLVM submodule

ArtemkaKun commented 1 month ago

Hmm, when running python --path ./build --on dasLLVM from the root of the daScript repo folder, I have the following output

🔴] × python --path ./build --on dasLLVM
/home/yuart/Projects/daScript/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
description='''This is cmake/git configuration tool.
CMake Warning at modules/dasClangBind/CMakeLists.txt:6 (message):
can't find libclang at /home/yuart/Projects/daScript/../libclang
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:273 (INCLUDE)

-- dasGlsl module included.
CMake Warning at modules/dasLLVM/CMakeLists.txt:4 (message):
can't find libclang at /home/yuart/Projects/daScript/../libclang
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:273 (INCLUDE)

-- dasOpenAI module included.
-- dasOpenGL module included.
-- dasPEG module included.
-- dasStbImage module included.
-- dasStbTrueType module included.
-- dasStdDlg module included.
-- dasTELEGRAM module included.
-- FLEX `2.6.4` found
-- BISON `3.8.2` found
-- File is not changed. Generation skipped.
-- File is not changed. Generation skipped.
-- File is not changed. Generation skipped.
-- File is not changed. Generation skipped.
-- File is not changed. Generation skipped.
-- File is not changed. Generation skipped.
-- File is not changed. Generation skipped.
-- File is not changed. Generation skipped.
-- Configuring done (0.4s)
-- Generating done (0.1s)
-- Build files have been written to: /home/yuart/Projects/daScript
dasLLVM turned on successfully (see log above)!
Q - exit, U - update list, D - disable all modules, arrows/J/K - navigation, enter - toggle module state
- : dasAudio
- : dasBGFX
- : dasClangBind
+ : dasGlfw
: dasGlsl - option for this module is unknown
- : dasHV
- : dasImgui
-> - : dasLLVM
- : dasMinfft
: dasOpenAI - option for this module is unknown
: dasOpenGL - option for this module is unknown
: dasPEG - option for this module is unknown
: dasPUGIXML - option for this module is unknown
- : dasQuirrel
- : dasSFML
: dasSQLITE - option for this module is unknown
+ : dasStbImage
+ : dasStbTrueType
+ : dasStdDlg
: dasTelegram - option for this module is unknown
- : dasXbyak

What exactly is libclang?

borisbat commented 1 month ago

installation of LLVM. 16.0.6 inside looks like this

02/29/2024  10:26 AM    <DIR>          bin
11/03/2023  10:56 PM    <DIR>          include
02/29/2024  10:26 AM    <DIR>          lib
02/29/2024  10:26 AM    <DIR>          libexec
02/29/2024  10:26 AM    <DIR>          share
ArtemkaKun commented 1 month ago

Ok, trying

ArtemkaKun commented 1 month ago

I downloaded llvm-18.1.6.src.tar.xz from, and just renamed it into libclang and placed to suitable place.

Its content image

Now python --path ./build --on dasLLVM outputs the following

/home/yuart/Projects/daScript/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
description='''This is cmake/git configuration tool.
-- dasClangBind module included.
LIBCLANG_INCLUDE at /home/yuart/Projects/daScript/../libclang/include
LIBCLANG_LIB at /home/yuart/Projects/daScript/../libclang/lib
-- dasGlsl module included.
-- dasLlvm module included.
LIBCLANG_INCLUDE at /home/yuart/Projects/daScript/../libclang/include
LIBCLANG_LIB at /home/yuart/Projects/daScript/../libclang/lib
-- dasOpenAI module included.
-- dasOpenGL module included.
-- dasPEG module included.
-- dasStbImage module included.
-- dasStbTrueType module included.
-- dasStdDlg module included.
-- dasTELEGRAM module included.
-- FLEX `2.6.4` found
-- BISON `3.8.2` found
-- File is not changed. Generation skipped.
-- File is not changed. Generation skipped.
-- File is not changed. Generation skipped.
-- File is not changed. Generation skipped.
-- File is not changed. Generation skipped.
-- File is not changed. Generation skipped.
-- File is not changed. Generation skipped.
-- File is not changed. Generation skipped.
-- Configuring done (0.4s)
CMake Error at modules/dasLLVM/CMakeLists.txt:133 (ADD_LIBRARY):
Cannot find source file:


Tried extensions .c .C .c++ .cc .cpp .cxx .cu .mpp .m .M .mm .ixx .cppm
.ccm .cxxm .c++m .h .hh .h++ .hm .hpp .hxx .in .txx .f .F .for .f77 .f90
.f95 .f03 .hip .ispc
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:273 (INCLUDE)

CMake Error at modules/dasLLVM/CMakeLists.txt:133 (ADD_LIBRARY):
No SOURCES given to target: libDasModuleLlvm
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:273 (INCLUDE)

CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
ERROR: there was an error executing 'cmake -DDAS_LLVM_DISABLED:BOOL=OFF /home/yuart/Projects/daScript'
ArtemkaKun commented 1 month ago

Hmm, but the file is present image

borisbat commented 1 month ago since this is turning into chat