Gainedge / BetterExplorer

A Better Explorer is a filemanager replacement that adds several handy features for productive file management.
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Programmatically open folder in BetterExplorer #132

Open Kristinita opened 4 years ago

Kristinita commented 4 years ago

1. Summary

I can't find, how I can programmatically (via command-line or script) open any Windows folder in BetterExplorer.

2. Argumentation

2.1. Common cause


2.2. Details

I'm working on several projects. For each I have a separate workplace.

For each workplace I have specific set of opened folders. I want to write scripts, that, in particular, close all Better Explorer tabs/windows of first workplace, then open tabs/windows for new workplace. But I can't find, how I can do it; currently, I need manually open desired folders.

3. Expected behavior

For example, I have simple AutoHotkey script.

Run D:\KiraFolder

I run this script → default Windows File Explorer open D:\KiraFolder:


It would be nice to have similar behavior for BetterExplorer.

4. Not helped

  1. I couldn't make BetterExplorer my default viewer:

    BetterExplorer default viewer

    Win+E open default Windows File Explorer for me.

  2. I couldn't find information about my problem in BetterExplorer options and issues for this repository. Also, I could't find any information about BetterExplorer command-line usage.

  3. I tried Google Search queries as “Windows 10 open folder in custom program” → no effect.


DimitarCC commented 4 years ago

Hello @Kristinita , Thank you for using Better Explorer. Let me answer to your questions one by one:

  1. How you can open a folder programmatically? Well is quite easy.... it works like this:

          "<Better Explorer instalation folder>\BetterExplorer.exe" <yourfolderpathhere>

    In that way it will open the desired folder in new non active tab in better explorer. Currently there is one small issue when you open it initially it doesnt load correct and you have to renavigate to it. On next folder however it works fine.

  2. How to set it as default? Well in latest version this is not possible since it causes too much problems with the OS. So this will be removed in later releases.

Kristinita commented 4 years ago

1. Summary

Currently there is one small issue when you open it initially it doesnt load correct and you have to renavigate to it. On next folder however it works fine.

Will this be fixed in the future releases?

2. Steps to reproduce

I created D:\KiraFolder folder with KiraFile.txt file, then D:\KiraSecondFolder folder with KiraSecond.txt file.

I clicked to arrows in BetterExplorer toolbar, that collapse all dropdown menus:

Collapse dropdown menus

I closed BetterExplorer → then in my command prompt:

D:\path\to\BetterExplorer.exe "D:\KiraFolder"
D:\path\to\BetterExplorer.exe "D:\KiraSecondFolder"

3. Expected behavior


Correct files in D:\KiraFolder and D:\KiraSecondFolder folders are displayed , dropdown menus are hidden.

4. Current behavior

Current behavior

4.1. Files appearance

No files in KiraFolder and KiraSecondFolder.

0 items  0 selected items

4.2. Dropdown menus

Not hidden. For example, I don't want show my Quick access folders on the streams. It would be nice, if BetterExplorer (as default Windows File Explorer) will remember, which dropdown menus are collapsed.


Kristinita commented 4 years ago

How to set it as default? Well in latest version this is not possible since it causes too much problems with the OS. So this will be removed in later releases.

I am waiting for the next releases.


DimitarCC commented 4 years ago

@Kristinita Ofcource the problem with opening of the folders will be fixed. I will look at it. About the menus in the Tree.... well that is more difficult than looks. It needs a way to remember and the function to expand the tree item on navigation should be disabled.