Gait3D / Gait3D-Benchmark

This is the code for the paper "Gait Recognition in the Wild with Dense 3D Representations and A Benchmark. (CVPR 2022)", "Gait Recognition in the Wild with Multi-hop Temporal Switch", and "Parsing is All You Need for Accurate Gait Recognition in the Wild".
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About data generation #12

Closed yan811 closed 1 year ago

yan811 commented 1 year ago

Hi! I 'd like to know some details about data generation in NPZ files.

In npz file: 1 What's the order of "pose"? SMPL pose parameter should be [24,3] dim, how did you convert it to [72,]? The order is [keypoint1_angel1, keypoint1_angle2, keypoint1_angle3, keypoint2_angel1, keypoint2_angle2, keypoint2_angle3...] or [keypoint1_angle1, keypoint2_angle1... keypoint1_angle2, keypoint2_angle2... keypoint1_angle3, keypoint1_angle3... ] ?

2 How did you generate pose into SMPL format,SPIN format , and OpenPose format? What's the order of the second dim? Is the keypoint order the same with SMPL model?

3 In pkl file: For example, dim of data in './0000/camid0_videoid2/seq0/seq0.pkl' is [48,85]. What's the order of dim 1? Is it ordered by time order or shuffled?

JinkaiZheng commented 1 year ago

Hi~ Thanks for your questions.

  1. The order of pose is [72, ], and you can convert it to [24, 3]. The specific order can be referred to here
  2. We generate pose by ROMP. You can look for the generation process from it.
  3. Here is the code for generating smpl.pkl. We sorted it by time/file_name order.
yan811 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your kind and quick reply! I'll take a closer look.