Gaius-Augustus / Augustus

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Revised the tutorial for the current programs #384

Closed Steinedieb closed 1 year ago

Steinedieb commented 1 year ago

The tutorial (all HTML files and the CSS file) have been modified according to the current synopsis of the needed programs. Especially, the instructions for Progressive Cactus have been revised. Partially, instructions for Singularity containers have been added. All files have been formatted to be better readable and validated to conform with HTML5.

Steinedieb commented 1 year ago

I now have reverted the layout of all files back to the original one, such that only the changes on the bash code and the transition from HTML 4.01 to HTML5 should remain.

Steinedieb commented 1 year ago

The error was that I set exact values in px for the images' width to deal with the apparently invalid percentage signs. However, I now realized that the relative scaling of images by percentage signs appears to be only invalid in HTML, not in CSS (probably owing to the strict separation between markup (HTML), style (CSS) and behavior (JavaScript)). Therefore, I turned these scaling factors into proper CSS classes. Now, the images are scaled as in the published HTML files with the same factors while keeping all files valid.