Gaius-Augustus / Augustus

Genome annotation with AUGUSTUS
272 stars 107 forks source link

Each time the city runs out of money "Caesar puh" should incur -1 favor penalty per 1000 Dn #398

Closed akdev closed 11 months ago

akdev commented 11 months ago

I think doing this would add more discipline to handling money. To do it right the player should have alternatives to borrowing from Caesar. E.g automatically stop all imports until the city money recovers or disabling lower priority buildings. Also, when a caravan is selling and buying stuff it would make sense to sell to to the caravan first to maximize the city money then buy.

MarioStanke commented 11 months ago

You wanted to post this issue on the repository of a game?

akdev commented 11 months ago

Oops sorry. Wrong repo with a similar name