Gaius-Augustus / Augustus

Genome annotation with AUGUSTUS
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Segmentation fault (core dumped) when running augustus #75

Open jolespin opened 4 years ago

jolespin commented 4 years ago

I'm using the funannotate pipeline and it fails during the augustus step. I found which command it was running and tried running it outside of funannotate and got the following error. How do I fix this? I installed on linux server via conda.

augustus --stopCodonExcludedFromCDS=False --codingseq=1 --proteinprofile=/usr/local/scratch/METAGENOMICS/jespinoz/db/funannotate_db/dikarya/prfl/EOG092644X6.prfl --predictionStart=109668 --predictionEnd=120165 --species=anidulans test-predict_202108/annotate/predict_misc/busco/tmp/CP022970.1saccharomyces_4117535203_.temp
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
JaninaNii commented 4 years ago

I'm also getting a segmentation fault error when running the following command. Shorter predictions (predictionStart=1000001, predictionEnd=1100000) work nicely. I checked that CPU% goes to 100% before getting this error. I'm using Augustus directly on linux server.

augustus --species=candida_albicans --predictionStart=1000001 --predictionEnd=1200000 CP017623.fasta > augustus.abinitio.gff

KatharinaHoff commented 4 years ago

@MarioStanke please have a look.

jolespin commented 4 years ago

Could this be a Python 2/3 error?

What could be going on here?

INFO    [augustus]  /bin/sh: line 1:  5413 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) augustus --stopCodonExcludedFromCDS=False --codingseq=1 --proteinprofile=/usr/local/scratch/METAGENOMICS/jespinoz/db/funannotate_db/dikarya/prfl/EOG09261JCQ.prfl --predictionStart=306979 --predictionEnd=317740 --species=anidulans './tmp/CP022972.1saccharomyces_664759016_.temp' > /local/ifs2_projdata/0568/projects/PLANKTON/illumina_aallen/jespinoz/testing/test-predict_239889/annotate/predict_misc/busco/run_saccharomyces/augustus_output/predicted_genes/EOG09261JCQ.out.1 2>> /local/ifs2_projdata/0568/projects/PLANKTON/illumina_aallen/jespinoz/testing/test-predict_239889/annotate/predict_misc/busco/run_saccharomyces/augustus_output/augustus.log
Here's my error from running `augustus` via `funannotate` ``` (funannotate_env) -bash-4.1$ head -n 30 test-predict_239889/annotate/logfiles/busco.log INFO ****************** Start a BUSCO 2.0 analysis, current time: 08/22/2019 16:58:15 ****************** INFO The lineage dataset is: dikarya_odb9 (eukaryota) INFO Mode is: genome INFO Maximum number of regions limited to: 3 INFO To reproduce this run: python /usr/local/devel/ANNOTATION/jespinoz/Packages/Funannotate-1.6.0/util/ -i /local/ifs2_projdata/0568/projects/PLANKTON/illumina_aallen/jespinoz/testing/test-predict_239889/annotate/predict_misc/genome.softmasked.fa -o saccharomyces -l /usr/local/scratch/METAGENOMICS/jespinoz/db/funannotate_db/dikarya/ -m genome -c 4 -sp anidulans INFO Check dependencies... INFO Check input file... INFO Temp directory is ./tmp/ INFO ****** Phase 1 of 2, initial predictions ****** INFO ****** Step 1/3, current time: 08/22/2019 16:58:17 ****** INFO Create blast database... INFO [makeblastdb] Building a new DB, current time: 08/22/2019 16:58:18 INFO [makeblastdb] New DB name: /local/ifs2_projdata/0568/projects/PLANKTON/illumina_aallen/jespinoz/testing/test-predict_239889/annotate/predict_misc/busco/tmp/saccharomyces_664759016 INFO [makeblastdb] New DB title: /local/ifs2_projdata/0568/projects/PLANKTON/illumina_aallen/jespinoz/testing/test-predict_239889/annotate/predict_misc/genome.softmasked.fa INFO [makeblastdb] Sequence type: Nucleotide INFO [makeblastdb] Keep MBits: T INFO [makeblastdb] Maximum file size: 1000000000B INFO [makeblastdb] Adding sequences from FASTA; added 6 sequences in 0.0955939 seconds. INFO Running tblastn, writing output to /local/ifs2_projdata/0568/projects/PLANKTON/illumina_aallen/jespinoz/testing/test-predict_239889/annotate/predict_misc/busco/run_saccharomyces/blast_output/tblastn_saccharomyces.tsv... INFO ****** Step 2/3, current time: 08/22/2019 16:58:55 ****** INFO Getting coordinates for candidate regions... INFO Pre-Augustus scaffold extraction... INFO Running Augustus prediction using anidulans as species: INFO [augustus] Please find all logs related to Augustus here: /local/ifs2_projdata/0568/projects/PLANKTON/illumina_aallen/jespinoz/testing/test-predict_239889/annotate/predict_misc/busco/run_saccharomyces/augustus_output/augustus.log INFO 08/22/2019 16:58:55 => 0% of predictions performed (743 to be done) INFO [augustus] /bin/sh: line 1: 5413 Segmentation fault (core dumped) augustus --stopCodonExcludedFromCDS=False --codingseq=1 --proteinprofile=/usr/local/scratch/METAGENOMICS/jespinoz/db/funannotate_db/dikarya/prfl/EOG09261JCQ.prfl --predictionStart=306979 --predictionEnd=317740 --species=anidulans './tmp/CP022972.1saccharomyces_664759016_.temp' > /local/ifs2_projdata/0568/projects/PLANKTON/illumina_aallen/jespinoz/testing/test-predict_239889/annotate/predict_misc/busco/run_saccharomyces/augustus_output/predicted_genes/EOG09261JCQ.out.1 2>> /local/ifs2_projdata/0568/projects/PLANKTON/illumina_aallen/jespinoz/testing/test-predict_239889/annotate/predict_misc/busco/run_saccharomyces/augustus_output/augustus.log INFO [augustus] /bin/sh: line 1: 5410 Segmentation fault (core dumped) augustus --stopCodonExcludedFromCDS=False --codingseq=1 --proteinprofile=/usr/local/scratch/METAGENOMICS/jespinoz/db/funannotate_db/dikarya/prfl/EOG092644X6.prfl --predictionStart=209773 --predictionEnd=220234 --species=anidulans './tmp/CP022970.1saccharomyces_664759016_.temp' > /local/ifs2_projdata/0568/projects/PLANKTON/illumina_aallen/jespinoz/testing/test-predict_239889/annotate/predict_misc/busco/run_saccharomyces/augustus_output/predicted_genes/EOG092644X6.out.2 2>> /local/ifs2_projdata/0568/projects/PLANKTON/illumina_aallen/jespinoz/testing/test-predict_239889/annotate/predict_misc/busco/run_saccharomyces/augustus_output/augustus.log INFO [augustus] /bin/sh: line 1: 5411 Segmentation fault (core dumped) augustus --stopCodonExcludedFromCDS=False --codingseq=1 --proteinprofile=/usr/local/scratch/METAGENOMICS/jespinoz/db/funannotate_db/dikarya/prfl/EOG092644X6.prfl --predictionStart=126869 --predictionEnd=137222 --species=anidulans './tmp/CP022971.1saccharomyces_664759016_.temp' > /local/ifs2_projdata/0568/projects/PLANKTON/illumina_aallen/jespinoz/testing/test-predict_239889/annotate/predict_misc/busco/run_saccharomyces/augustus_output/predicted_genes/EOG092644X6.out.3 2>> /local/ifs2_projdata/0568/projects/PLANKTON/illumina_aallen/jespinoz/testing/test-predict_239889/annotate/predict_misc/busco/run_saccharomyces/augustus_output/augustus.log ```

It seems likely to be a compilation error from this discussion.

KatharinaHoff commented 4 years ago


On Thu 22. Aug 2019 at 23:22, Josh L. Espinoza wrote:

Could this be a Python 2/3 error?

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jolespin commented 4 years ago

Is there a test I can run to make sure my installation is working properly?

On Aug 22, 2019, at 8:44 PM, Katharina Hoff wrote:


On Thu 22. Aug 2019 at 23:22, Josh L. Espinoza wrote:

Could this be a Python 2/3 error?

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jolespin commented 4 years ago

I've opened a question on on biostars but they closed the question redirecting me this GitHub post. I'm sort of in a loop trying to figure this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

KatharinaHoff commented 4 years ago

An AUGUSTUS segmentation fault is typically caused by using a binary that was compiled on some system on another system — or it is a real bug caused by some particular input data. In order to reproduce such a bug, we will need a toy data set that shows the problem on one of our own machines (including the species parameter set). In any case, it can take weeks or months until someone has time to look into such a bug.

So my first suggestion is that you clone AUGUSTUS from github and compile on your own machine, check whether the problem persists. If yes, please provide toy data and eventually, someone might look into it.


On Mon 26. Aug 2019 at 22:29, Josh L. Espinoza wrote:

I've opened a question on on biostars but they closed the question redirecting me this GitHub post. I'm sort of in a loop trying to figure this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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jolespin commented 4 years ago

Sounds good, I used a conda installation but I can try installing it separately and then throwing all of the necessary files into $CONDA_PREFIX/envs/funannotate_env/bin

Which files/folders are required to be added into my path aside from AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH to properly function?

KatharinaHoff commented 4 years ago

The path to the AUGUSTUS binary must be in your $PATH variable (Augustus/bin). It is probably not related to your issue, but you might want to add Augustus/scripts, too. Make sure no old install is still in your PATH.

On Mon 26. Aug 2019 at 23:07, Josh L. Espinoza wrote:

Sounds good, I used a conda installation but I can try installing it separately and then throwing all of the necessary files into $CONDA_PREFIX/envs/funannotate_env/bin

Which files/folders are required to be added into my path aside from AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH to properly function?

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jolespin commented 4 years ago

Awesome, thanks for you help. Is there a test command I could run or a toy dataset that should run easily? Just so I can rule out all of the options during debugging my environment.

KatharinaHoff commented 4 years ago

You could use the example genome file from BRAKER. Should work with fly parameters ab initio... or make it smaller... or predict in a small range only

On Mon 26. Aug 2019 at 23:32, Josh L. Espinoza wrote:

Awesome, thanks for you help. Is there a test command I could run or a toy dataset that should run easily? Just so I can rule out all of the options during debugging my environment.

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