Gaius-Augustus / BRAKER

BRAKER is a pipeline for fully automated prediction of protein coding gene structures with GeneMark-ES/ET/EP/ETP and AUGUSTUS in novel eukaryotic genomes
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No start value for parameter in config file error #544

Open aswathyseb opened 1 year ago

aswathyseb commented 1 year ago


I am trying to run braker2 using pfalciparum models and my RNASeq dataset for additional evidence.

However at the optimization step, is throwing out an error

The error message is

No start value for parameter /UtrModel/prob_polya found in file ~/miniconda3/envs/braker2/config/species/pfalciparum/pfalciparum_parameters.cfg.

Maybe you misspelled this parameter in ~/miniconda3/envs/braker2/config//species/pfalciparum/pfalciparum_metapars.utr.cfg

The command I ran is --genome=chr1.fa --species=pfalciparum --bam=consensus/bam/illum_fwd.bam,consensus/bam/illum_rev.bam,consensus/bam/ont_fwd.bam,consensus/bam/ont_rev.bam --stranded=+,-,+,- --cores=22 --gff3 --workingdir=consensus/braker2_hybrid --UTR=on --softmasking --alternatives-from-evidence=true --useexisting

Could you please help with this? I would really appreciate your comments/suggestions.

Thank you,

thdurand4 commented 5 months ago

Hello i have the same problem any one know how to fix this bug ?

Thanks you