Open SowmyaPulapet opened 12 months ago
I still haven't solved this issue. Patiently waiting for your reply.
I was getting this same error because the largest contig in my assembly was <50kb and apparently GeneMark needs contigs > 50kb for training.
I have been using Braker2 for quite a while now. Right now I am working on a quite fragmented genome of size ~1 GB. I used Braker2 but couldn't run it past some issue related to GC content.
Now I installed Braker3 and am facing an issue while using it. The command I used is as follows:
perl /tools/BRAKER-3.06/scripts/ --genome=./scafSeq_masked.fasta --prot_seq=Metazoa.fa --AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH=/tools/Augustus/config/ --AUGUSTUS_BIN_PATH=/tools/Augustus/bin/ --AUGUSTUS_SCRIPTS_PATH=/tools/Augustus/scripts/ --GENEMARK_PATH=/tools/gmes_linux_64_4/ --PROTHINT_PATH=/tools/ProtHint/bin/ --TSEBRA_PATH=/tools/TSEBRA/bin/ --threads=16 --gff3
I am getting the following error in GeneMark-ES.stderr:
These are the last few lines from my braker.log:
I am also attaching the complete log braker.log
My genome is already repeatmasked using RepeatMasker. Kindly help me to solve this issue.
Thank you.