Gaius-Augustus / BRAKER

BRAKER is a pipeline for fully automated prediction of protein coding gene structures with GeneMark-ES/ET/EP/ETP and AUGUSTUS in novel eukaryotic genomes
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Augustus config path error: cp: cannot stat '/usr/share/augustus/config//': No such file or directory #772

Closed sanjaysrikakulam closed 4 months ago

sanjaysrikakulam commented 4 months ago


Since the last update of the container, we have been facing issues related to the AUGUSTUS tool config and script paths.

Error We are using the container docker://teambraker/braker3:v3.0.7.3 via singularity, and we get the error cp: cannot stat '/usr/share/augustus/config//': No such file or directory

Solution Upon looking into the Dockerfile, I see some leftovers from the last cleanup. Please remove these lines that overwrite the AUGUSTUS ENVs

sanjaysrikakulam commented 4 months ago

PR removing the overwrite lines

KatharinaHoff commented 4 months ago

Thank you! I have merged the request. It was careless of me not to remove that. I will today also push a new image to dockerhub.

sanjaysrikakulam commented 4 months ago

Cool, no worries, it happens.

Thank you!

KatharinaHoff commented 4 months ago

I will close here. Thanks, again!