Gaius-Augustus / BRAKER

BRAKER is a pipeline for fully automated prediction of protein coding gene structures with GeneMark-ES/ET/EP/ETP and AUGUSTUS in novel eukaryotic genomes
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Unnecessary compleasm failure alert #806

Open juliadouglasf opened 2 months ago

juliadouglasf commented 2 months ago


I have been running BRAKER using a conda environment coupled with GeneMark and ProtHint git installations. I know this is not the recommended method, but it is simpler, especially if I incorporate it into a Snakemake pipeline later on in my work.

I received a $COMPLEASM_PATH not set! error even though both compleasm and are included in my conda environment bin path. I think BRAKER is checking for, which doesn't seem to exist. With my conda environment activated, compleasm --help works as expected. Since I believe BRAKER only uses the script, I don't think this $COMPLEASM_PATH not set! error should be thrown and stop my execution of BRAKER.

KatharinaHoff commented 2 months ago calls . It has a command line argument --compleasm_bin that needs to hand over the file. If your compleasm is hidden in an environment that is not activitated while BRAKER is running, then BRAKER cannot see, and can thus not determine the $COMPLEASM_PATH variable that points to the location of .

juliadouglasf commented 2 months ago

I have compleasm in the same environment as BRAKER, so I don't think I will have the issue of compleasm not being found while BRAKER is running. The compleasm command seems to be working the same as