Gaius-Augustus / BRAKER

BRAKER is a pipeline for fully automated prediction of protein coding gene structures with GeneMark-ES/ET/EP/ETP and AUGUSTUS in novel eukaryotic genomes
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Unable to complete an analysis using both protein and rna-seq data #836

Open salvatierra8 opened 3 months ago

salvatierra8 commented 3 months ago

Greetings, first of all I want to say thank you for creating this tool, I don't come from a informatics background but I've been trying to understand all these tools through self learning, and well working with it have taught me a few things, I have previously manage to use it to predict genes through protein homology using the OrthoDBV11. So regarding the issue, I am trying to run a new analysis now including RNA-seq data, I suspected a few causes to these problem but I am now pretty sure is related to RAM consumption. Not knowing what else could be causing my computer to hang up, I monitored through htop what was going on and found that as soon as the "" started it progressively consumes the available RAM until... well it causes the computer to hang up and be unresponsive to anything.

I have been running the analysis using 10 threads, while writing this I restarted the process to do it with 6 instead, to my knowledge this shouldn't work, but I guess I will soon find the answer. On the other hand, do you think there's a way for me to limit the amount of RAM to be used, maybe by editing the script to achieve it?

Note: My computer have 16 GB of RAM, and it is the most high-end computer that we have available.

And just in case this is the last process ran according to the braker.log:

Tue Jun 11 13:51:55 2024: Running /usr/bin/perl /opt/ETP/bin/ --cfg /home/salvatierra/outputs/braker/GeneMark-ETP/etp_config.yaml --workdir /home/salvatierra/outputs/braker/GeneMark-ETP --bam /home/salvatierra/outputs/braker/GeneMark-ETP/etp_data/ --cores 10 --softmask 1>/home/salvatierra/outputs/braker/errors/GeneMark-ETP.stdout 2>/home/salvatierra/outputs/braker/errors/GeneMark-ETP.stderr

Both stdout and stderr are empty.

Thanks in advance.