Gaius-Augustus / BRAKER

BRAKER is a pipeline for fully automated prediction of protein coding gene structures with GeneMark-ES/ET/EP/ETP and AUGUSTUS in novel eukaryotic genomes
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BRAKER is running network outages in singularity, the work end is gone! #837

Open 452jiajia opened 2 weeks ago

452jiajia commented 2 weeks ago

053b8803eff1ab785e7ad95380c0850 24c5e9250e4495736fb72d1673d5a3a Hello esteemed braker team, I am a newbie raw messenger worker, the network went down while running braker in singularty, now generated these software, no one can guide me, what should I do next!

452jiajia commented 2 weeks ago

The command I ran was nohup --thread 40 --species=Camellia_oleifera --genome=/mnt/gaojb/sequences/pc/Youcha.fasta.masked --prot_seq=/home/gaojb/data_trans//a.fasta /home/gaojb/data_trans/b.fasta /home/gaojb/data_trans/c.fasta /home/gaojb/data_trans/d.fasta /home/gaojb/data_trans/e.fasta --gff3 &

452jiajia commented 2 weeks ago

nohup --thread 40 --species=Camellia_oleifera --useexisting --genome=/mnt/gaojb/sequences/pc/Youcha.fasta.masked --skipGeneMark-ES --skipGeneMark-EP --skipAllTraining --gff3 & (wd: /mnt/gaojb/sequences/pc)我用了该命令尝试可以一下,可以运行,但是出来的执行文件不是上面aug_hints而是aug_ab_initio_等执行文件,我该怎么办 ![Uploading 9de8d2ed0baa152d3f4cfbd220a9a6c.png…]()