Gaius-Augustus / BRAKER

BRAKER is a pipeline for fully automated prediction of protein coding gene structures with GeneMark-ES/ET/EP/ETP and AUGUSTUS in novel eukaryotic genomes
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Error with Singularity image #869

Open lucaskbobadilla opened 2 weeks ago

lucaskbobadilla commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, I am trying to run Braker using the provided Docker image on Singularity. However, When I try the files I am getting the following error:

ERROR in file /opt/BRAKER/scripts/ at line 6008
Failed to create new species with, check write permissions in /opt/Augustus/config//species directory! Command was /usr/bin/perl /opt/Augustus/scripts/ --species=Sp_1 --AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/Augustus/config/ 1> /dev/null 2>/home/ilm254/test3/errors/new_species.stderr

Any Ideas how to solve it?

jayoung commented 2 weeks ago

hi all,

I have the same error, also trying to get things running via singularity, trying

I doubt this extra piece of info is useful, but just in case, the new_species.stderr file looks like this for me:

Could not write /opt/Augustus/config/species/Sp_1/Sp_1_parameters.cfg. at /opt/Augustus/scripts/ line 126.

Would love to know if there's a fix!



jayoung commented 2 weeks ago

aha! I think I found the answer in an older closed issue -

It's working for me now.

First I used the following command to copy the /opt/Augustus/config dir to a writable place outside of the container, and to put it somewhere central for future use:

singularity exec -B $PWD:$PWD /fh/fast/malik_h/grp/malik_lab_shared/singularityImages/braker3.sif cp -R /opt/Augustus/config .
mv config /fh/fast/malik_h/grp/malik_lab_shared/singularityImages/braker3_otherFiles/augustus

I can't run the scripts as is, but I can modify each command to supply that augustus config dir, and now it runs. I made two modifications:

The modified version of the command in looks like this for me:

singularity exec -B $PWD:$PWD,/fh/fast/malik_h/grp/malik_lab_shared/singularityImages/braker3_otherFiles/augustus/config:/augustus_config /fh/fast/malik_h/grp/malik_lab_shared/singularityImages/braker3.sif --AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH=/augustus_config --genome=/opt/BRAKER/example/genome.fa --bam=/opt/BRAKER/example/RNAseq.bam --workingdir=test1 --GENEMARK_PATH=${ETP}/gmes --threads 8 --gm_max_intergenic 10000 --skipOptimize --busco_lineage eukaryota_odb10 &> test1.log

hope that works for you too @lucaskbobadilla

tallnuttrbgv commented 1 week ago

Getting similar error, but copied the config and get a new error looking for a dir that does not exit in the singularity image. See