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Only photons from the final object in a `ChromaticSum` are saved #1284

Closed welucas2 closed 3 months ago

welucas2 commented 4 months ago

When save_photons = True, drawing a ChromaticObject returns all the photons requested. However, if those objects are combined into a ChromaticSum only the photons drawn for the final object are returned:

import galsim

rng = galsim.BaseDeviate(215324)
sed = galsim.SED('vega.txt', wave_type="nm", flux_type="fphotons")
bandpass = galsim.Bandpass("LSST_r.dat", wave_type="nm")

# Create a bulge and disk and draw with 1000 photons each.
bulge = galsim.Sersic(n=3, half_light_radius=0.8) * sed
disk = galsim.Exponential(half_light_radius=1.4) * sed
bulge_image = bulge.drawImage(method="phot", n_photons=1000, save_photons=True, bandpass=bandpass, rng=rng)
disk_image = disk.drawImage(method="phot", n_photons=1000, save_photons=True, bandpass=bandpass, rng=rng)

# All 1000 photons are returned for each of the separate bulge and disk.
print(bulge_image.photons, disk_image.photons)

# Create a ChromaticSum object combining the bulge and disk then draw it with 1000 photons.
gal = bulge + disk
gal_image = gal.drawImage(method="phot", n_photons=1000, save_photons=True, bandpass=bandpass, rng=rng)

# The ChromaticSum's photon array only contains 511 photons.

ChromaticSum.drawImage loops through the individual components, drawing them in sequence. The photons are actually saved in GSObject.drawImage at the very end of the function but simply does image.photons = photons, replacing any previously saved object's photon array with the current one.

I think either a full-sized photon array should be allocated in ChromaticSum.drawImage and then filled in GSObject.drawImage, or else the latter should check if a photon array has already been stored and if so extend rather than overwrite it.

rmjarvis commented 3 months ago

Fixed in #1289.