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Spergelets #628

Open jmeyers314 opened 9 years ago

jmeyers314 commented 9 years ago

The next step in implementing the series representation of the Spergel profile (see issue #616 and PR #625) is the implementation of the series basis functions (which for now I'm deeming "Spergelets") and some framework for picking the appropriate coefficients for each Spergelet. I've already more or less got the Spergelets drawable on a local branch, but haven't started the rest of the framework yet. Here's my proposal though:

I think it would be nice if the implementation of the Spergel profile via Spergelets shares most of the same API as the directly implemented Spergel profile. For example:

psf = galsim.Moffat(beta=3, fwhm=0.67)

# Direct draw
gal1 = Spergel(nu=0.0, half_light_radius=0.5).shear(g1=0.2, g2=-0.3)
conv1 = galsim.Convolve(gal1, psf)
img1 = conv1.drawImage(nx=32, ny=32, scale=0.2)

# Series draw initiated by `jmax` keyword indicating order of the series expansion
# and `r1` indicating the fiducial radius about which to expand.
gal2 = Spergel(nu=0.0, half_light_radius=0.5, jmax=3, r1=0.4).shear(g1=0.2, g2=-0.3)
conv2 = galsim.Convolve(gal2, psf)
img2 = conv2.drawImage(nx=32, ny=32, scale=0.2)

My current plan to accomplish this, which is pretty close to the plan @mdschneider laid out in #616, is to create a GSObject subclass Series from which SpergelSeries would derive. SpergelSeries would then have methods: getCoeff((radial_index, azimuthal_index)), and getBasisFunc((radial_index, azimuthal_index)), and also override transformation methods like shear, dilate, etc. to implement these by changing the coefficients of the expansion. Similar to ChromaticConvolution, I would also imagine a SeriesConvolution subclass of Series with a drawImage method that does something like:

def SeriesConvolution.drawImage():
    #1) figure out nx, ny, scale
    #2) if not already precomputed, compute outer product of convolutions (at right 
         size/scale) of all series' terms and store for potential reuse (this uses 
         getBasisFunc).  For Spergelets, it's probably also useful to index these 
         convolutions by the fiducial profile size `r1` mentioned above.
    #3) determine outer product of all series' coefficients (uses getCoeff())
    #4) return appropriate linear combination of coefficients and basis functions.

There are at least two potential drawbacks that I can see:

mdschneider commented 9 years ago

This looks like a very good plan.

Here are couple of further questions:

rmandelb commented 9 years ago

Just a quick comment on the user interface.

Perhaps I am being overly influenced by our recent discussion about the ChromaticObject interpolation stuff, but an alternative to the user interface that you proposed would be something like

# Direct draw
gal1 = Spergel(nu=0.0, half_light_radius=0.5).shear(g1=0.2, g2=-0.3)
conv1 = galsim.Convolve(gal1, psf)
img1 = conv1.drawImage(nx=32, ny=32, scale=0.2)

# Series draw 
conv2 = galsim.Convolve(gal1, psf)
img2 = conv2.drawImage(nx=32, ny=32, scale=0.2)

So the basic idea is that it's the same object, but you're changing how you do the internal calculations and image rendering to use the series approximation.

rmandelb commented 8 years ago

@jmeyers314 , what ever happened with this? I know the initial implementation was merged to master, then there was a bunch more work on this, but then it just kind of stopped.