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The official Galapagos Linux ebuild repository
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Proposal: move all fetch-restricted ebuilds to extra #13

Open Elizafox opened 7 years ago

Elizafox commented 7 years ago

Along the lines of #1 I propose we should move fetch-restricted ebuilds to extras, with similar reasoning. Fetch restrictions make packages impossible to test.

mjeveritt commented 7 years ago

I wouldn't say impossible to test - more difficult to test in an automated fashion, but still feasible with smart coding. I think some of these decisions come down to what kind of distribution you want Galapagos to be .. are we aiming for an improvement of Gentoo, a cut-down Gentoo, or what?! Some policy/aims/etc would probably guide us on this.

Elizafox commented 7 years ago

Improved gentoo with emphasis on automated QA and some stuff that makes binary distributions' lives easier, like adelie (but nothing too intrusive).

Automated QA is important to avoid tree rot/bitrot. Gentoo has plenty of this in some of its packages.

Fetch-restricted ebuilds are not always like java; some of them require you pay for something. vmware-workstation is like this.

CraigInches commented 7 years ago

I think an extras repo is a good idea for fetch restricted ebuilds, people have the option if they want a package to install the overlay/repo and get it, and file bugs etc. It just isn't catered for with the Automated QA System, so slower to update/test/etc

Elizafox commented 7 years ago

We already have the extras overlay.

awilfox commented 7 years ago

We would need at least a news item. Also anyone with oracle-jdk-bin installed would have to add the extras repo, or the installed package they have would no longer be valid.

mjeveritt commented 7 years ago

I think we may need to introduce a "no-autotest" flag somewhere then perhaps, as something like java or there are probably others, really should remain part of the 'main tree'.