GalaticSoftware / CryptoSentinel

CryptoSentinel is a Telegram bot that provides users with cryptocurrency-related information, market trends, news, and open trading positions
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Improve Error Handling and Monitoring #32

Open AccursedGalaxy opened 1 year ago

AccursedGalaxy commented 1 year ago

Background As our Telegram bot scales, it's crucial that we have robust error tracking and alerting mechanisms in place. Currently, we're logging errors, which is a good start. However, we need a more sophisticated system that can provide real-time alerts and detailed error tracking. Additionally, we need to monitor our bot's performance and usage to identify potential issues and bottlenecks.

Proposed Solution We propose to use Sentry for error tracking and alerting, and New Relic or Datadog for performance monitoring.

Sentry Integration Sentry provides real-time error tracking that gives you insight into production deployments and information to reproduce and fix crashes.

Steps to integrate Sentry:

Create a Sentry account: Go to Sentry and create an account.

Install Sentry SDK: Install the Sentry Python SDK in your project using pip:

bash Copy code pip install --upgrade sentry-sdk Initialize Sentry: Import and initialize Sentry in your Python script. Replace 'your_dsn' with the DSN value from your Sentry project settings.

python Copy code import sentry_sdk sentry_sdk.init('your_dsn') Capture Exceptions: Sentry automatically captures any unhandled exceptions. You can also manually capture exceptions:

python Copy code try: a_potentially_failing_function() except Exception as e: sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e) Performance Monitoring with New Relic or Datadog New Relic and Datadog provide detailed performance metrics and alerts.

New Relic Integration Steps to integrate New Relic:

Create a New Relic account: Go to New Relic and create an account.

Install New Relic Python agent: Install the New Relic Python agent in your project using pip:

bash Copy code pip install newrelic Generate a New Relic configuration file: Generate a configuration file using the newrelic-admin script:

bash Copy code newrelic-admin generate-config 'your_license_key' newrelic.ini Edit the configuration file: Edit newrelic.ini to suit your needs. At a minimum, you should set the app_name setting to the name of your bot.

Start your bot with the New Relic agent: Use the newrelic-admin script to start your bot:

bash Copy code newrelic-admin run-program python

AccursedGalaxy commented 1 year ago

Logging: Implement comprehensive logging throughout your bot. Log all exceptions and errors, as well as important events or transactions. You can use Python's built-in logging module, or a service like Loggly or Papertrail which provide more advanced features like log aggregation, search, and alerts.

Error Tracking: Use an error tracking service like Sentry or Rollbar. These services capture exceptions and errors in real-time, provide detailed error reports, and can alert you when errors occur.

Performance Monitoring: Use a performance monitoring tool like New Relic or Datadog. These tools can monitor your application in real-time, tracking metrics like response time, throughput, error rates, and more. They can also provide detailed transaction traces, allowing you to see exactly where bottlenecks are occurring.

Uptime Monitoring: Use an uptime monitoring service like Pingdom or UptimeRobot to regularly check your bot and alert you if it goes down.

RabbitMQ Monitoring: Since you're using RabbitMQ, it's important to monitor the health of your message queues. RabbitMQ provides a management plugin that includes a web-based UI for monitoring. There are also third-party tools like CloudAMQP's RabbitMQ monitoring tool.

Database Monitoring: Monitor your database to ensure it's performing well and to catch any potential issues early. Most database systems provide some sort of monitoring tools. For example, if you're using PostgreSQL, you can use the built-in pg_stat_statements module or a tool like pganalyze.

Alerting: Set up alerts to notify you when things go wrong. Most of the services mentioned above include alerting features. You can set up alerts for things like high error rates, slow response times, high queue lengths, etc.

Analytics: Consider using an analytics service like Google Analytics or Mixpanel to track user interactions with your bot. This can provide valuable insights into how your users are using your bot and where they might be encountering problems.