We need to implement automatic testing for all features in our Telegram bot. This will help us catch bugs and regressions early, and ensure that our bot is working as expected.
Set up a testing framework: Choose a testing framework that is suitable for our needs. Python's built-in unittest module is a good choice, but there are also other options like pytest or nose.
Mock the Telegram API: Since we can't make actual API calls in our tests, we'll need to mock the Telegram API. We can use a library like unittest.mock for this. We should mock the telegram.Bot class and any other classes or functions that make API calls.
Write tests for each command handler: We should write a test for each command handler in our bot. Each test should send a command to the bot and then check that the bot responds correctly. We should test both the "happy path" (where everything goes right) and any error conditions that could occur.
Write tests for the rate limiting function: We should write tests to ensure that our rate limiting function is working correctly. We can do this by calling the function multiple times in quick succession and checking that it doesn't allow more than the specified number of calls per second.
Write tests for the subscription checking functions: We should write tests for the check_and_revoke_expired_subscriptions and check_price_alerts functions. These tests should check that the functions correctly identify expired subscriptions and price alerts.
Write tests for the message processing function: We should write tests for the process_message function. These tests should check that the function correctly processes incoming messages and handles any errors that occur.
Set up continuous integration: Once we have our tests, we should set up a continuous integration (CI) service to run the tests automatically whenever we push changes to our code. There are many CI services available, such as GitHub Actions, Travis CI, or CircleCI.
Write documentation: Finally, we should document our testing strategy and how to run the tests in the project's README file.
Acceptance Criteria:
A testing framework is set up and all existing features of the bot have corresponding tests.
The Telegram API is successfully mocked for testing purposes.
All tests pass and accurately reflect the functionality of the bot.
Continuous integration is set up to automatically run tests.
Documentation on how to run the tests is added to the README.
We need to implement automatic testing for all features in our Telegram bot. This will help us catch bugs and regressions early, and ensure that our bot is working as expected.
Acceptance Criteria: