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WARPING Text can persist after warp ends; Top speed can change based on out-of-warp inputs #55

Open PataNautic opened 4 days ago

PataNautic commented 4 days ago

I could not replicate consistent behavior, but it seems that sometimes, when providing additional inputs into a warp (holding mouse, holding w) can cause the WARPING text to persist after exiting warp. There seems to also be an issue with top speed changing with these similar conditions, but I am not sure if these are related or not. For reference, the wasp's top speed is 175.

Perhaps it has to do with the game failing to get the ship's stats?


Wingysam commented 4 days ago

I think it's because you're at 201 speed and it's waiting for you to reach 200 or lower.

Wingysam commented 4 days ago

Ohh you're right, I just read this again yeah. It's because you warped out of your territory so it's waiting for your speed to drop down to the new max speed.

PataNautic commented 4 days ago

I'll be perfectly honest with you: I completely forgot that being in your own territory gives you increased speed

Wingysam commented 4 days ago

In this case you warped and stayed in your territory, but that might be the cause in some cases.

PataNautic commented 23 hours ago

This appears to be an issue specifically when entering your own territory. Repro method is inconsistent, though. Probably way more of a hassle than it is worth to fix this