GalaxyTrail / fp2bugs

Issue tracker for Freedom Planet 2 glitches and other bugs
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More stuff you can do once you perform the end-of-stage vine glitch #299

Open Megalatias opened 5 years ago

Megalatias commented 5 years ago

Damn I'm really sorry, (new to github) First mess up I believe but I'll try my best.

It is not the first time this bug has been reported and what I'll mention probably is new if not then sorry for wasting your time :( .

By this time I don't think I have to explain how this glitch is performed (but in the case I need to let me know)

As Carol (WITH BIKE), when you go through the right wall, that literally contains nothing as it is the end of the stage, you can ride to the top of the wall, up to the "ceiling"? o.O? After doing so, by going back to the stage itself, will trigger the boss, making fighting the boss outside the boss room possible.

After doing this glitch it is possible to ride every wall in the stage up to the "ceilings" or climb them this time.


This cannot be replicated if you use the return to last checkpoint option in the pause menu, and I believe neither when you restart the stage (Maybe because of other variables it didn't trigger). Neither do I know if you can still do it even if you die during the stage. EVERYTHING was tested on first runs.

Trying to climb or ride any other wall of the stage will prevent permanently from managing this wall ride for the rest of the run.

Windows 10 Home Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134 Demo Version The latest one which I think was 1.0.6 As long as you don't perform the "DON'Ts" It should be about 9-10/10 replication difficulty: easy-always

Sorry I'm nervous (first time reporting for real) I hope it helps and I appreciate feedback on how I did and how I could improve xD