Galigator / openllet

Openllet is an OWL 2 reasoner in Java, build on top of Pellet.
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DL query is NULL for Openllet reasoner #65

Open shyamaW opened 2 years ago

shyamaW commented 2 years ago

Hi I write a program to run DL queries similar to the example given in to run

However, DL queries that contain chain properties did not work well when using Openllet reasoner.

I run the DL query: "Pest and affects value Brinjal" where Pest is a class, affects is a chain property and Brinjal is an individual of Crop class.

The query is successfully run when using the Hermit reasoner with the java code. Also, I run the same query using Protege with Pellet 2.2.0 reasoner. It also worked.

However, when I run the same query with Openllet reasoner, it returns answers none.

I much prefer to use Openllet as it gives the answers in less time than HermiT