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Hi-resolution textures incompatibility #385

Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Describe your system:
 - Operating System (be specific): Mac OS X 10.6.4
 - Machine type (32-bit or 64-bit): 64-bit
 - Mupen64Plus version: 1.99.3 (compiled from latest sources)
 - Plugins used: Rice

Describe the problem:

Trying to use any fairly recent texture pack results in a crash (varies between 
packs and games).

Please provide any additional information below.

These texture packs are made primarily for the latest 1964 video plugin (though 
I believe they also work with Glide64 and Mudlord's Rice), so naturally they 
work fine with it.  I understand that Rice for 1.99.3 is based on an older 
version of the plugin, but perhaps you can consider improving support for more 
up-to-date packs.

Here's an example of what happens when I try to use a recent texture pack:

Last login: Sun Aug 22 08:24:55 on console
HDLs-MacBook:~ HDL$ cd ~/Desktop
HDLs-MacBook:Desktop HDL$ ./ "/Users/HDL/Desktop/Main/Emulators/N64/The 
Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time.z64"
 __  __                         __   _  _   ____  _             
|  \/  |_   _ _ __   ___ _ __  / /_ | || | |  _ \| |_   _ ___ 
| |\/| | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '_ \| '_ \| || |_| |_) | | | | / __|  
| |  | | |_| | |_) |  __/ | | | (_) |__   _|  __/| | |_| \__ \  
|_|  |_|\__,_| .__/ \___|_| |_|\___/   |_| |_|   |_|\__,_|___/  
Mupen64Plus Console User-Interface Version 1.99.3

UI-console: attached to core library 'Mupen64Plus Core' version 1.99.3
            Includes support for Dynamic Recompiler.
Core: Goodname: Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.0) [!]
Core: MD5: 5BD1FE107BF8106B2AB6650ABECD54D6
Core: CRC: ec7011b7 7616d72b
Core: Imagetype: .z64 (native)
Core: Rom size: 33554432 bytes (or 32 Mb or 256 Megabits)
Core: Version: 1449
Core: Manufacturer: 43000000
Core: Country: USA
UI-Console: Cheat codes disabled.
UI-console: using Video plugin: 'Mupen64Plus OpenGL Video Plugin by Rice' 
UI-console: using Audio plugin: 'Mupen64Plus SDL Audio Plugin' v1.99.3
UI-console: using Input plugin: 'Mupen64Plus SDL Input Plugin' v1.99.3
UI-console: using RSP plugin: 'Hacktarux/Azimer High-Level Emulation RSP 
Plugin' v1.99.3
Input: Using auto-configuration for device 'Street Fighter IV FightStick TE'
Input: 1 controller(s) found, 1 plugged in and usable in the emulator
Input: Mupen64Plus SDL Input Plugin version 1.99.3 initialized.
Video: SSE processing enabled.
Video: Found ROM 'THE LEGEND OF ZELDA', CRC b71170ec2bd71676-45
Video: Enabled hacks for game: 'THE LEGEND OF ZELDA'
Video: Texture loading option is enabled. Finding all hires textures
Video Warning: RGB and alpha texture size mismatch: 
/Users/HDL/.local/share/mupen64plus/hires_texture/THE LEGEND OF ZELDA/01 - 
Foret Kokiri/06 - Fontaine Fée/THE LEGEND OF ZELDA#F2F31CB3#3#0_a.png
Video Warning: RGB and alpha texture size mismatch: 
/Users/HDL/.local/share/mupen64plus/hires_texture/THE LEGEND OF ZELDA/18 - 
Menu-HUD-Subscreen/02-HUD/Magic Meter/THE LEGEND OF ZELDA#54492A28#3#1_a.png
Video: Initializing OpenGL Device Context.
Core: Setting 32-bit video mode: 640x480
Video: Using OpenGL: Intel Inc. - Intel GMA X3100 OpenGL Engine : 2.0 
Video: OpenGL Combiner: Fragment Program
Audio: Initializing SDL audio subsystem...
Core: Starting R4300 emulator: Dynamic Recompiler
Core: R4300: starting 64-bit dynamic recompiler at: 0x101120200
mupen64plus(790,0x7fff70820c20) malloc: *** error for object 0x126aa3d98: 
incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being 
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
./ line 1:   790 Abort trap              
./ --corelib 
./ "$@"
HDLs-MacBook:Desktop HDL$

Original issue reported on by on 22 Aug 2010 at 1:51

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago

Maybe just compare source files add merge some code should solve the problem...

PS: I suppose it could be good that "old dev" make a wiki history of which 
version of "official" (I mean Jabo Spec Compliant) plugin is Fork.

I explain: Insofar Mupen64Plus didn't follow the standard specs of emulators 
video plugins anymore, Plugins have to be maintained by the "community". So 
each time there is a commit on "official reposit", Mupen64Plus devs have to do 
the same commit (they didn't because they don't have time), on the Mupen64Plus 
reposit. (Correct my if I'm wrong about that...)

There is many video plugins wich are continue to be maintained by there 

But there is not many devs on Mupen64Plus project to maintain the Mupen64Plus 
video plugins.

Original comment by on 23 Aug 2010 at 7:05

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Yes, it's quite a shame development isn't more active.  There are probably 
reasons for that, but I digress.

I found a texture pack that is very recent and doesn't crash, but still fails 
to load some textures properly.  I thought I'd post some screens.  Here they 
are in order of how it's supposed to look, followed by how it looks in 
Mupen64Plus Rice.

Original comment by on 10 Sep 2010 at 7:33


GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago

Original comment by on 22 May 2011 at 4:28

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Can anyone please give some information about those "recent" texture packs

Original comment by on 29 Aug 2011 at 2:49

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
This bug is quite old now and may have been fixed by other defects that we have 
corrected within the Rice plugin.  Can the original reporter (TheRealHDL) 
please re-test with the latest code from Hg?  We can help get a build for you 
if you do not have a development environment set up.

If you can re-test and verify that the problem is still present, I will need a 
savestate snapshot file (press F5) at one or more of the locations that you 
have identified above where the high-res texture is not properly displayed.

Original comment by on 28 Feb 2012 at 4:37

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
My guess is "Celda" pack by Djipi as well as the texture pack by "Zeth and 

At least when reading

Original comment by on 23 Sep 2012 at 6:31

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
I have changed numerous things in Rice to make some broken texture packs work 
for the 2.0 release. I just assume this works because we never got a testcase 
which we can use to verify it.

Please add additional information (savestate + texture pack + good description 
what is missing when loading the savestate) when you think it isn't fixed.

Original comment by on 18 Dec 2013 at 11:33