GalleriaJS / galleria

The JavaScript Image Gallery
MIT License
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Carousel dimensions issues #18

Closed Qard closed 14 years ago

Qard commented 14 years ago

The carousel appears to be having issues calculating it's dimensions to do the scrolling thing properly. Sometimes it works, but usually it doesn't...not sure why. I tested in both Chrome and Firefox on Ubuntu.

ChrisLegg commented 14 years ago

I'm having the same issues. It is creating the carousel with a width of (number of images * 890px) which is frikkin massive so as soon as I click on the next image it scrolls so far to the right you cant see any thumbnails. It is also using 890x in the style for the 'galleria-image' div, although I cannot work out why or where it is getting the 890px for that either!

Did you find out what the problem was?

aino commented 14 years ago

galleria-image targets both the main image and the thumbnails. You must be more specific in the stylesheet.