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[Solved]Touchpad mouse jumpy - Gallium 3 - Google Pixelbook (EVE) #498

Closed bmfesta2009 closed 4 years ago

bmfesta2009 commented 5 years ago

Because I was seeing articles that Gallium 3 Alpha was getting closer to running mainstream I decided to give it a shot on my Google Pixelbook Eve. I installed it using chrx with -r dev, installed no problem and came up no problem. When using the touchpad the mouse jumps anytime I lift my finger and place it back down on the touch pad. This experience is consistent with using Ubuntu on the Eve as well, but does not occur on Gallium 2.

Before I roll back to Gallium 2 please let me know if there is anything I can do to help with resolving this issue.

daberg2 commented 5 years ago

I can confirm this issue. Just today I installed Gallium 2 via chrx, and only experienced an issue with the wifi. After rerunning chrx with the "dev" option for Gallium, I can now connect to wifi without any problems.

However, I now have the same issue as described above. The cursor seems to jump to a location on the screen relative to the finger placement on the trackpad.

Oh, and just for clarity: I, too, am on a Google Pixelbook (i5)

ghost commented 5 years ago

Sounds like GalliumOS is confusing the trackpad with a touchscreen.

bmfesta2009 commented 5 years ago

That's a valid point. The device does have both, I could see the driver confusion.

daberg2 commented 5 years ago

A few other notes regarding this (some of which may be obvious (I am but a lowly tinkerer and am mostly unskilled));

I gave a shot following the instructions from this page of the GalliumOS Wiki. For the most par, this resolved the issue of the mouse "jumping" around. The only caveat is that, at startup, I typically have to tickle the touchpad in order for it to work afterwards. In addition to this, it has painfully slow acceleration. This latter issue, however, is likely something that can be resolved with configuring something in Xorg.conf.d.

Lastly, I decided to give my bluetooth mouse a try. This works without a hitch and the acceleration is way better. So, you could give that a shot if you're feeling frisky.

Edit: Regarding the instructions from the wiki, I had to edit "40-libinput.conf" rather than "90-libinput.conf". If I were to guess, this difference has to do with chromium's config file being "40-touchpad-cmt.conf".

Edit numero dos: I couldn't quite remember how I did this, so I did a fresh chrx install and ran back through the process. The only additional thing I did, which you may need to do, is run sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics and then reboot.

ghost commented 5 years ago

What part of that page did you follow? It covers how to do several different things, none of which are directly related to this issue. On tickling the trackpad at boot, that sounds really familiar, I'm sure there is another issue or a reddit post or something talking about that. As for the acceleration, I personally hate basically any form of mouse acceleration but both the acceleration and sensitivity should be adjustable from Xfce's Mouse and Trackpad settings.

About 90-libinput.conf vs 40-libinput.conf, the number at the beginning of the filename has nothing to do with Chromium or Chromium OS, it just instructs the system on what order the files should be loaded in.

daberg2 commented 5 years ago

None of which are related to this issue? I'm not sure, then, why what I did resolved the issue on my system. As for what portion I followed, I did everything listed from the beginning to "Test our Changes".

The idea to provide input on the touchpad did indeed come from a post I saw somewhere. I'd agree that it was likely reddit. I don't have a personal opinion regarding mouse acceleration. But, I do know that using the trackpad after following along with those instructions, and installing the synaptic libinput package, the cursor was annoyingly slow.

Thanks for the info regarding the numbers and chromium. As I mentioned, I only tinker with things, typically until I break them. I don't have the personal knowledge to make anything more than correlations and conjecture.

I apologize if my responses have been unhelpful or if they don't belong. I simply wanted to contribute. The GalliumOS team and those who make genuine contributions have my gratitude. Of all of the distros I've tried, this is the one that I think I'll be sticking with.

Thanks again!

ghost commented 5 years ago

Hey man, we really appreciate it; even if you don't add anything particularly insightful, having more information at our disposal never hurts anything. If I remember correctly, the trackpad page on the wiki covers two main topics, the first is palm rejection while typing (which honestly may have been fixed because I noticed that the trackpad was ignoring me while using the keyboard when I was trying to play a game earlier) and making tapping the trackpad simulate a click, which also seems to be the default behaviour now. It's becoming increasingly clear to me that there are a number of issues with the documentation we currently have. I suppose it stands to reason as most of it was written three years ago but it's frustrating nonetheless.

EDIT: If I had to wager a guess as to what actually ended up fixing the problem, I would guess it would just be the fact that you now have a configuration file in place explicitly telling X11 that the device in question is in fact a trackpad and not some sort of absolute pointing device like a tablet.

tocantonto commented 5 years ago

An observation for those who understand how things work: If i leave the slightest touch at the edge of the touchpad, i can use the cursor normally with the other hand. it seems that when no contact is made with the touchpad, it inserts random values rather than starting where it left off. with a little bit of "anchor" contact i can use EVE normally on Gallium 3

the touchpad page did not help my issue. i do not have an Accel Speed property, apparently.

tocantonto commented 5 years ago

is there an event threshold that can be made less sensitive?

huang-jy commented 5 years ago

FWIW, I am also getting a jumpy touchpad on a Google PixelBook on Gallium OS 3 and the linked wiki page did not help :( I agree that the behavior exhibited is like the touchscreen driver is being used instead of the touch pad driver. Haven't yet tried going to GOS 2 yet, but will try that next.

EDIT: Using Gallium OS 2 and the mouse behaves correctly, with no jumping, but does not detect the network out of the box. In short -- GOS3 has jumpy mouse pointer, but working network. GOS3 has working mouse pointer but no network.

LanceTritelli commented 4 years ago

Had issue with "Jumpy" touchpad on an HP Chromebook. Plugin USB mice worked fine, but the touchpad would barely register to move the pointer, and at that, only when I touched along the edges.

Following the instructions on the Gallium Wiki . I discovered my "90-libinput.conf" was blank. Re-creating the "90-libinput.conf" file using screen shot on the wiki page fixed the issue after reboot for me.

bmfesta2009 commented 4 years ago

Had issue with "Jumpy" touchpad on an HP Chromebook. Plugin USB mice worked fine, but the touchpad would barely register to move the pointer, and at that, only when I touched along the edges.

Following the instructions on the Gallium Wiki . I discovered my "90-libinput.conf" was blank. Re-creating the "90-libinput.conf" file using screen shot on the wiki page fixed the issue after reboot for me.

This is the exact fix. It's creating the conf file with the content as it appears in the wiki as the file does not exist. Great find!