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Trackpad Pointer freezes on BANON (Acer Chromebook CB3-532-C4C7) under latest Gallium 3 beta #507

Open teh-mouses opened 5 years ago

teh-mouses commented 5 years ago

Latest release (3.0 beta 2) is installed and all packages are fully updated. Searched tracker for similar issues - not really finding much beyond a lot of hit and miss.

Running a BANON Acer CB3-532-C47C with Mr. Chromebox firmware, installed via a USB stick that I wrote (and MD5 verified) via dd on a generic Ubuntu 18.04 desktop.

Having a hard time reproducing this problem. Sometimes it happens 30 seconds after boot. Sometimes it happens 2 days after boot. Unable to trigger the error or reproduce on demand.

Basically, the mouse cursor freezes and the only solution is to fully reboot. I have two of these devices, and last night went ahead and booted the backup device via live image and when I opened it up - same issue. Mouse cursor frozen, same error message in xorg log.

xorg log at time of error -

[ 15094.278] (EE) ERROR:src/ result is sending buttons down that are already down: Existing down: 1. New down: 1. fixing.

Exact same error on backup machine (with a different timestamp of course.)

xinput --list at time of error - (not sure this is relevant, everything seems normal here)

reynhout commented 5 years ago

Odd indeed. Certainly sounds like a hardware issue, but you've eliminated that possibility.

One thing to try...when the issue recurs, check to see if the device is enabled -- and if not, whether you can re-enable it, e.g.:

xinput list-props 9 | grep -i enabled
xinput enable 9

(Using the id from Elan Touchpad in your xinput paste.)

teh-mouses commented 5 years ago

Okay - after a couple days, both of my CB3-532-C47C's have experienced the error again. One of these systems has seen heavy use, one quite literally has seen a total of <5 hours of use (it's a backup system in case primary goes).

In both cases, logs show: (EE) ERROR:src/ result is sending buttons down that are already down: Existing down: 1. New down: 1. fixing.

In both cases, xinput-list to find the device id, and then piping that into a grep for enabled shows the device is still enabled.

Went ahead and did a xinput disable followed by a xinput enable -- mouse cursor is still frozen and non responsive.

Hope this helps in some way to narrow it down, any way I can collect more helpful data for this?

(Edit: also worth mentioning - the 'primary' (non backup) chromebook that has seen heavy use was running ChromeOS for many months without a single touchpad issue ever, just switched to Gallium 3.0 beta 2 last week - the issue started the second I switched. The rarely used brand new backup has the same issue in a live Gallium OS Beta 2 session after a seemingly random amount of time, but does not have the issue in ChromeOS)

DarkenedOrigins commented 5 years ago

Having the same issue. I have the Acer Chromebook R11.

bmfesta2009 commented 4 years ago

Try what I documented here and let me know