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Battery tray icon does report correctly #583

Closed D10f closed 3 years ago

D10f commented 4 years ago

ISSUE: Battery tray icon does not update to reflect the reported battery left, i.e.: shows full even when it reports 50%~60% left, and about halfway even at 5%~10%. It also does not change color when battery is low, as it used to in GalliumOS 2.x

STEPS: Turn on computer at full charge and work normally. Battery icon does not reflect accurately. If left at lower levels there's no color change.

EXPECTED: Battey icon reflects accurately the remaining battery. It changes color to red when level is at very low levels.

ACTUAL: Battery does not reflect accurately and icon does not change color. NOTE: The power management settings and notification due to low battery work as expected, it's just the visuals that don't match.

Chromebook/Chromebox model / hardware ID: Asus C200 Intel BayTrial / Squawks

Firmware: MrChromebox Full Firmware

Installation method (ISO or chrx) and whether you're running a nightly build ISO, updating from previous GalliumOS 2.x to GalliumOS 3.1 stable.


ghost commented 4 years ago

Does it not start updating when the battery falls below 50% or so? Because it should. I know it's unintuitive but it is the way Xfce is supposed to show the battery indicator.

D10f commented 3 years ago

It starts updating at 60% in my case. I just realized, what comes by default is not the tray icon but the power manager plugin which does not change color. It's also much larger than the actual tray icon (can be enabled from Power Manager Settings) which is why I probably noticed this issue in the first place, it's more subtle with smaller icons.

Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the help @coltondrg

ghost commented 3 years ago

I hate this now :)

It is very wrong and bad in my opinion that there is a lack of consistency, both in the icons for power manager panel plugin vs tray icon, and because the inconsistency between the icon sizes in the panel looks really dumb. I guess I never noticed that because the first thing I always do is shrink my panel.

D10f commented 3 years ago

Great point, I've just shrink it a couple of pixels and the plugin ends up at the same size than the other icons. The problem is the change of color on low battery levels, it only happens on the tray icon. However, on the tray icon if you scroll the mouse wheel or track pad, doesn't change the brightness. It's not a deal breaker but coming from Gallium 2.1 (just updated) this feels like a step back, it worked nicely before.