GalloDaSballo / Apollon-Review

Notes for the Apollon Solo Security Review
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Operative Risks tied to changing Risk Based Parameter #21

Open GalloDaSballo opened 3 months ago

GalloDaSballo commented 3 months ago

Executive Summary

This is a collection of operative risks that come from maintaining and updating Apollon

I highly recommend you go through this list, create your own list, and ensure that at all times these risks are considered

Updating setCollTokenSupportedCollateralRatio can cause multiple economic exploits

  function setCollTokenSupportedCollateralRatio(
    address _collTokenAddress,
    uint _supportedCollateralRatio
  ) external override onlyOwner {
    if (_supportedCollateralRatio < MCR) revert SupportedRatioUnderMCR();
    collTokenSupportedCollateralRatio[_collTokenAddress] = _supportedCollateralRatio;
    emit CollTokenSupportedCollateralRatioSet(_collTokenAddress, _supportedCollateralRatio);

Updating this ratio can:

The setter itself is not a vulnerability, however, the mechanisms around changing these risk-based values are very commonly a pre-condition to Critical Severity Exploits

The most important consideration is tied to how exactly a change in Collateral Ratio would be enacted

Due to the complexity, I'm flagging this as a delicate Operational Security area, however, I will not be able to provide specific advice at this time

setAlternativePriceFeed can cause liquidations, self-liquidations or insolvency and bad debt

This change could also cause positions to go from healthy to undercollateralized

The change may also be sandwiched

More importantly, if governance changes can be broadcasted by anyone, the sandwiched will not be mitigable and would be a perfect opportunity for an economic exploit

Gov token must be configured

Since gov token is used as part of reserve pool, then it must be configured to have some validity as collateral


Recognize the risks tied to changing these settings and plan accordingly, do consult Security Researchers at that time

sambP commented 3 months ago

Thank you for pointing that out. We do not expect that we need this feature to run apollon, but thought having this option could be helpful sometime in the future.