// resulting CR differs from the expected CR, we bail in that case, because all following iterations will consume too much gas by searching for a updated hints
// allowing 1% deviation, because of time based borrowing interests
if (troveRedemption.resultingCR > iteration.expectedCR) {
if ((troveRedemption.resultingCR * DECIMAL_PRECISION) / iteration.expectedCR > 1.01e18) break; /// @audit Risk of overflow
} else {
if ((iteration.expectedCR * DECIMAL_PRECISION) / troveRedemption.resultingCR > 1.01e18) break;
Whenever expectedCR or resultingCR are greater than type(uint256).max / 1e18 the multiplication will overflow, causing a revert
This may be used to grief other people, or can happen naturally due to slight changes in prices, or other redemptions
It may be best to use a smaller factor such as 100 as to reduce the likelyhood of an overflow
After a redemption, this comparison is performed:
Whenever expectedCR or resultingCR are greater than type(uint256).max / 1e18 the multiplication will overflow, causing a revert
This may be used to grief other people, or can happen naturally due to slight changes in prices, or other redemptions
It may be best to use a smaller factor such as
as to reduce the likelyhood of an overflow