GaloisInc / BESSPIN-CloudGFE

The AWS cloud deployment of the BESSPIN GFE platform.
Apache License 2.0
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Package up FireSim repo and create README #82

Closed dhand-galois closed 4 years ago

dhand-galois commented 4 years ago

Collect all modifications required for FireSim and package into a repo. Create a parred down README/walkthrough to booting pre-built AFIs & running ELFs as well as building custom AFIs using both the scala -> AFI and 'SSITHCore' -> AFI (blackbox) approaches.

dhand-galois commented 4 years ago

Initial version is now available here:

The readme covers setup, running Linux on existing AFIs, and building a new image using the blackbox approach. Does not yet explain running arbitrary ELFs or the difference between the scala vs blackbox build flow.

dhand-galois commented 4 years ago

Current 'release' ready version of FireSim has been merged into the firesim repo. The primary use case is that we will run this internally to generate AGFIs while TA1 teams can primarily focus on using chipyard for development and debug. FireSim can be used by TA1 teams directly as well.