Closed langston-barrett closed 5 years ago
All the libc++ files fail with standard (typecheckLoadStoreInst
) typechecking.
Load/store type does not patch type of pointer.
Pointer type: PtrTo (PtrTo (Alias (Ident "class.std::\__1::collate")))
Value type: PtrTo (Alias (Ident "class.std::\__1::collate"))
Pointer value: ValIdent (Ident "3")
Value value: ValIdent (Ident "0")
value symbol table
The relevant instruction:
store %"class.std::__1::collate"* %0, %"class.std::__1::collate"** %3, align 8, !tbaa !6431
With this check:
when (PtrTo (typedType val) /= typedType ptr) $ fail $ unlines
[ "Store value type does not patch type of pointer."
, "Pointer type: " ++ show (typedType ptr)
, "Value type: " ++ show (typedType val)
, "Pointer value: " ++ show (typedValue ptr)
, "Value value: " ++ show (typedValue val)
Several (but fewer!) still fail:
Store value type does not patch type of pointer.
Pointer type: PtrTo (PrimType (Integer 32))
Value type: PtrTo (PrimType (Integer 32))
Pointer value: ValIdent (Ident "6")
Value value: ValIdent (Ident "5")
value symbol table
(Note that the printed types match in the above messages, but we add a PtrTo
in the when
clause, making them mismatched.)
store i32 %5, i32* %6, align 8, !dbg !32060, !tbaa !31907
It remains to see whether there is a difference at the level of the bitcode (using llvm-bcanalyzer
Here are the relevant files:
And now, more detail than is healthy: the LLVM source and llvm-bcanalyzer
dump for the above functions:
; Function Attrs: alwaysinline sspstrong uwtable
define weak_odr hidden void @_ZNSt3__17collateIcEC2Em(%"class.std::__1::collate"*, i64) unnamed_addr #0 comdat($_ZNSt3__17collateIcEC5Em) align 2 !dbg !6427 {
%3 = alloca %"class.std::__1::collate"*, align 8
%4 = alloca i64, align 8
store %"class.std::__1::collate"* %0, %"class.std::__1::collate"** %3, align 8, !tbaa !6431
call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata %"class.std::__1::collate"** %3, metadata !6429, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !6435
store i64 %1, i64* %4, align 8, !tbaa !6436
call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata i64* %4, metadata !6430, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !6438
%5 = load %"class.std::__1::collate"*, %"class.std::__1::collate"** %3, align 8
%6 = bitcast %"class.std::__1::collate"* %5 to %"class.std::__1::locale::facet"*, !dbg !6439
%7 = load i64, i64* %4, align 8, !dbg !6440, !tbaa !6436
call void @_ZNSt3__16locale5facetC2Em(%"class.std::__1::locale::facet"* %6, i64 %7), !dbg !6441
%8 = bitcast %"class.std::__1::collate"* %5 to i32 (...)***, !dbg !6439
store i32 (...)** bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ({ [8 x i8*] }, { [8 x i8*] }* @_ZTVNSt3__17collateIcEE, i32 0, inrange i32 0, i32 2) to i32 (...)**), i32 (...)*** %8, align 8, !dbg !6439, !tbaa !6442
ret void, !dbg !6444
<FUNCTION_BLOCK NumWords=93 BlockCodeSize=4>
<CONSTANTS_BLOCK NumWords=6 BlockCodeSize=4>
<SETTYPE abbrevid=4 op0=75/>
<UnknownCode24 op0=3 op1=3 op2=4 op3=0 op4=7 op5=2892 op6=7 op7=2892 op8=7 op9=2896/>
<SETTYPE abbrevid=4 op0=80/>
<CE_CAST abbrevid=6 op0=11 op1=75 op2=3723/>
<METADATA_BLOCK NumWords=29 BlockCodeSize=3>
<STRINGS abbrevid=4 op0=1 op1=4/> num-strings = 1 {
<SUBPROGRAM op0=3 op1=3479 op2=82 op3=11980 op4=3829 op5=226 op6=8024 op7=0 op8=1 op9=227 op10=0 op11=0 op12=0 op13=256 op14=1 op15=3688 op16=0 op17=8025 op18=11984 op19=0 op20=0/>
<LOCAL_VAR op0=2 op1=11981 op2=2070 op3=0 op4=0 op5=4803 op6=1 op7=1088 op8=0/>
<LOCAL_VAR op0=2 op1=11981 op2=2511 op3=3829 op4=226 op5=3991 op6=2 op7=0 op8=0/>
<NODE op0=11982 op1=11983/>
<VALUE op0=2523 op1=3725/>
<VALUE op0=71 op1=3726/>
<INST_ALLOCA op0=235 op1=7 op2=2894 op3=68/>
<INST_ALLOCA op0=5 op1=7 op2=2894 op3=68/>
<!-- The bad instruction: -->
<INST_STORE op0=2 op1=6 op2=4 op3=0/>
<INST_CALL op0=0 op1=32768 op2=239 op3=3182 op4=4294959039 op5=4294959042 op6=4294962580/>
<DEBUG_LOC op0=0 op1=0 op2=11981 op3=0/>
<INST_STORE op0=1 op1=5 op2=4 op3=0/>
<INST_CALL op0=0 op1=32768 op2=239 op3=3182 op4=4294959038 op5=4294959041 op6=4294962580/>
<DEBUG_LOC op0=226 op1=29 op2=11981 op3=0/>
<INST_LOAD abbrevid=4 op0=2 op1=235 op2=4 op3=0/>
<INST_CAST abbrevid=7 op0=1 op1=83 op2=11/>
<DEBUG_LOC op0=227 op1=33 op2=11981 op3=0/>
<INST_LOAD abbrevid=4 op0=3 op1=5 op2=4 op3=0/>
<DEBUG_LOC op0=227 op1=25 op2=11981 op3=0/>
<INST_CALL op0=0 op1=32768 op2=241 op3=3184 op4=2 op5=1/>
<DEBUG_LOC op0=227 op1=11 op2=11981 op3=0/>
<INST_CAST abbrevid=7 op0=3 op1=2524 op2=11/>
<DEBUG_LOC op0=227 op1=33 op2=11981 op3=0/>
<INST_STORE op0=1 op1=7 op2=4 op3=0/>
<INST_RET abbrevid=8/>
<DEBUG_LOC op0=227 op1=34 op2=11981 op3=0/>
<ATTACHMENT op0=0 op1=11980/>
<ATTACHMENT op0=2 op1=1 op2=9851/>
<ATTACHMENT op0=4 op1=1 op2=9853/>
<ATTACHMENT op0=8 op1=1 op2=9853/>
<ATTACHMENT op0=11 op1=1 op2=9855/>
; Function Attrs: nounwind sspstrong uwtable
define void @_ZNSt3__16locale2id6__initEv(%"class.std::__1::locale::id"*) #3 align 2 !dbg !32054 {
%2 = alloca %"class.std::__1::locale::id"*, align 8
store %"class.std::__1::locale::id"* %0, %"class.std::__1::locale::id"** %2, align 8, !tbaa !6431
call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata %"class.std::__1::locale::id"** %2, metadata !32056, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !32057
%3 = load %"class.std::__1::locale::id"*, %"class.std::__1::locale::id"** %2, align 8
%4 = atomicrmw add i32* @_ZNSt3__16locale2id9__next_idE, i32 1 seq_cst, !dbg !32058
%5 = add i32 %4, 1, !dbg !32058
%6 = getelementptr inbounds %"class.std::__1::locale::id", %"class.std::__1::locale::id"* %3, i32 0, i32 1, !dbg !32059
store i32 %5, i32* %6, align 8, !dbg !32060, !tbaa !31907
ret void, !dbg !32061
<FUNCTION_BLOCK NumWords=53 BlockCodeSize=4>
<METADATA_BLOCK NumWords=14 BlockCodeSize=3>
<SUBPROGRAM op0=3 op1=3333 op2=124 op3=125 op4=3825 op5=668 op6=3956 op7=0 op8=1 op9=669 op10=0 op11=0 op12=0 op13=256 op14=1 op15=3688 op16=0 op17=3958 op18=11982 op19=0 op20=0/>
<LOCAL_VAR op0=2 op1=11980 op2=2070 op3=0 op4=0 op5=6636 op6=1 op7=1088 op8=0/>
<NODE op0=11981/>
<VALUE op0=2826 op1=3722/>
<INST_ALLOCA op0=1416 op1=7 op2=2894 op3=68/>
<INST_STORE op0=1 op1=2 op2=4 op3=0/>
<INST_CALL op0=0 op1=32768 op2=239 op3=3178 op4=4294959037 op5=4294959039 op6=4294962576/>
<DEBUG_LOC op0=0 op1=0 op2=11980 op3=0/>
<INST_LOAD abbrevid=4 op0=1 op1=1416 op2=4 op3=0/>
<UnknownCode38 op0=3599 op1=830 op2=1 op3=0 op4=6 op5=1/>
<DEBUG_LOC op0=670 op1=13 op2=11980 op3=0/>
<INST_BINOP abbrevid=5 op0=1 op1=831 op2=0/>
<INST_GEP abbrevid=11 op0=1 op1=1415 op2=3 op3=834 op4=832/>
<DEBUG_LOC op0=670 op1=5 op2=11980 op3=0/>
<!-- The bad instruction: -->
<INST_STORE op0=1 op1=2 op2=4 op3=0/>
<DEBUG_LOC op0=670 op1=11 op2=11980 op3=0/>
<INST_RET abbrevid=8/>
<DEBUG_LOC op0=671 op1=1 op2=11980 op3=0/>
<ATTACHMENT op0=0 op1=11979/>
<ATTACHMENT op0=1 op1=1 op2=9851/>
<ATTACHMENT op0=7 op1=1 op2=10861/>
I get identical behavior with LLVM/Clang 5 and 7 (the above is with LLVM/Clang 6), and with optimizations disabled -O0
While experimenting with #117 and running the bitcode parser on a large C++ codebase, I noticed that there's no consistent way to typecheck the plain
instruction. In particular, if I uncomment this line:then I see a lot of these messages:
However, if I change that line to the following (which wraps the value type in a
before comparing, fixing the above message(s)):Then I get:
It appears that the store instruction receives arguments of inconsistent types. Is this really right? Or does it reveal a weird inconsistency in our parsing, e.g. in the value table?