GaloisInc / pate

Patches Assured up to Trace Equivalence
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Challenge 10 Interactive #346

Closed danmatichuk closed 1 year ago

danmatichuk commented 1 year ago

Interactive Verification

Adds support for interacting with the verifier from the debugging interface. The interaction is limited to multiple-choice, and simply works by having the verifier register handles that get executed when the debugging interface navigates to certain trace nodes.

There are effectively two kinds of decisions: blocking and non-blocking.

Example Blocking Decisions

Example Non-blocking Decisions


Equivalence Domain Refinement / Conditions

As a non-blocking decision (see above), allows users to refine an equivalence domain by adding an additional condition to a proof node. Currently this is done by presenting the user with a list of registers that are not known to be equal in the domain, and allowing them to select any subset of them. The condition that is generated simply states that those registers are, in fact, equal in the post-state of the relevant node.

The equivalence domain is re-generated while assuming this condition, thus strengthening it and proving more locations (i.e. the provided set of registers) to now be equal between the original and patched programs.

Condition Propagation

A condition is propagated (either by default or by request from the user) from a node to its ancestors by computing and adding a condition to each ancestor that is sufficient to imply the condition of the current node. As this adds more conditions to the graph, all descendant nodes from these ancestors must be invalidated and re-checked after a propagation step.

If the current assumptions for a node are already sufficient to imply the propagated condition, then no propagation occurs.

Assertions vs. Assumptions vs. Equivalence Domains

There are three classes of conditions, which are separately propagated, although they are all assumed to hold when analyzing a node.


Control Flow Desynchronization and Resynchronization

Refines the process of defining desynchronization and resynchronization points considerably. Notably:


Entry Point Selection

Adds support for multiple entry points to be defined, and prompts the user at launch to pick an entry point to start the analysis from.


Adds a collection of stubs for libc calls as well as miscellaneous other external library calls. Some of these have partially-correct definitions (i.e. write() emits an observable event based on the contents written), while most have placeholder implementations. These placeholders simply write arbitrary (but equal, between the original and patched programs) values to r0 to represent some unknown value being returned from the stub.


Node scheduling

Adds fine-grained scheduling support for proof nodes. The priority of a node has two components:

The schedule reason/kind for a node is informal, and has no effect on the analysis of the node, aside from its scheduling priority. Nodes are selected first by the highest-priority kind in the work list, and then by the highest priority node within that kind.

The overall goal with node scheduling is to reduce redundant analysis steps. For example, when the user asserts or assumes an equivalence condition for a node, its descendants must be invalidated and re-generated. However we should ensure that all relevant conditions have added before handling this invalidation, to avoid performing it multiple times.


Improved ARM Thumb mode support

Uses the calling context to determine the state of the PSTATE.T register following a function call. Specifically, we assume (by convention) that this register is restored when a function returns.

Macaw Hacks

The value of the PSTATE.T register is readily available during the analysis, however it is slightly non-trivial to supply this information to Macaw. Macaw takes an Data.Macaw.Architecture.Info as input during its code analysis phase (see: ./src/Pate/Discovery/ParsedFunctions.hs), which defines various functions for extracting architecture-specific state. This is already used to supply concrete values that are derived from symbolic execution (this incidentally helps resolve the PSTATE.T register in many cases).

Before each code analysis call, a modified Architecture.Info is supplied to macaw with specialized variants of these architecture-specific function, based on the current context of the analysis. We therefore additionally supply the code discovery with a modified extractBlockPrecond function (used by the ARM semantics to use determine the initial value of the PSTATE.T register for a block) that also considers the calling context. This injects the assumption that PSTATE.T is necessarily stable for the duration of an entire function call, when control flow is inside of that function.

Using symbolic execution to classify jumps

In cases where macaw fails to classify a block exit, adds a fallback to use symbolic execution to determine if a block terminates with an unconditional jump to a concrete address (based on the assumptions in scope). This is done on-demand, based on whether or not symbolic execution decides that it's possible for a block to end in a classification failure.

Notably this may incorrectly classify a function call as a jump, in which case the verifier will simply end up effectively in-lining the target function.

This approach overlaps with macaw-refinement considerably, so using this should be investigated before developing this strategy further.


Using provide hints to classify stubs

Adds an extra classifier that uses the provided hints to determine if a block terminates with a call to a stub. If the terminal PC is concretely a known stub, then the result is classified as a function call that returns to the subsequent address.

This could be refined slightly by allowing stub definitions to override how the return target is determined.


Stripping unsupported instructions from input

If symbolic execution fails (i.e. due to an undefined/uninterpreted instruction), adds a post-processing step which simply strips any uninterpreted statements from the block before symbolic execution. Additionally, adds an override to the disassembler to discard any unknown instructions that are encountered, and simply fall through to the next instruction.

Both of these cases raise a warning, but allow the analysis to (unsoundly) continue in the presence of unsupported instructions.

Error Handling

Adds an additional error handling mode that doesn't throw variable "rescoping" errors. These happen when propagating an equivalence domain across a node, and the output can't be rephrased (using the existing heuristics).

This is unsound in general, but can be useful for keeping the number of errors thrown to a minimum during experiments.



Experimental support for manually loading extra sections from the binary. (see: ./src/Pate/Loader/ELF.hs)


Expression Simplification

Adds additional cases to the bitvector simplifier in ./src/What4/ExprHelpers.hs to decompose equality tests across concatenated bitvectors (i.e. a ++ b = c ++ d --> a == b && c == d).

Globally-unique Uninterpreted Functions

Adds ./src/What4/UninterpretedFns.hs, which provides support for defining uninterpreted functions which are globally-unique, keyed on name and signature. This is used to resolve issues that arise from creating arbitrary free values in under-specified stub implementations. Instead, arbitrary values are always defined as some uninterpreted (but consistent) function of some inputs.

Note: This could likely be used to considerably simplify ./src/Pate/Memory/MemTrace.hs by removing the need to carry around a handle for creating uninterpreted functions to represent undefined memory operations.



ASL Translator

Bumps the asl-translator submodule to 3d52d9199afa913960940cc76ee7db19e63c9b98 (dm/pate branch). This includes two critical fixes:


Bumps macaw submodule to 0818bd5eb76949917b88cb6ea971d475ee7f5e21 (dm/pate branch). This includes two critical fixes:

The other changes in this branch can likely be discarded, so the above fixes should be cherry-picked out.