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Using SMT Abductive Reasoning with cvc5 #1706

Open arjunvish opened 2 years ago

arjunvish commented 2 years ago

Internship goals and tasks for Summer 2022.


The standard integration with an SMT solver dispatches proof goals. To prove some formula F, we want the SMT solver to determine that ~F is unsatisfiable. If ~F is satisfiable, the solver returns a counterexample instead: values for variables in F for which ~F is true (for which F doesn’t hold). Often, these counterexamples might be unhelpful. Perhaps the variables in F are part of an elaborate encoding which makes it hard to trace back the counterexample value to make it useful. Moreover, a counterexample value might not obviously tell us what would help the SMT solver prove F. A new alternative offered by cvc4/cvc5 is to offer abducts: for F that doesn’t hold, an abduct is a formula H such that H |= F. The goal is to get abducts in addition to counterexamples from the SMT solver so that the user has more information on how to prove F.


  1. SAW tries to prove equivalences between program specs and implementations by converting them into (mostly) first-order formulas and (among other methods,) asking an SMT solver to prove these equivalences. Often, the SMT solver times out. In such cases, SAW can ask the SMT solver to prove the equivalence, by taking some functions as uninterpreted. This changes the result from timeout/unknown to sat. A counterexample that includes uninterpreted functions isn’t too helpful. The idea is that, in our query to the SMT solver, a fully uninterpreted function would make the solver fail (sat). We want to axiomatize the function just enough so that the SMT solver is able to prove the goal. With the abduction integration, we hope to ask the SMT solver for the axioms about the function which will help us prove the goal.
  2. Crux performs symbolic execution of program code to - among other things - check whether assertions hold, via SMT queries. When the SMT solver finds that an assertion doesn’t hold, it returns a counterexample for the assertion. We can imagine asking the SMT solver instead (in addition) for abducts that would entail the assertion.



Here is a manufactured example, suggesting the kind of problems we hope this integration will help solve. We ask cvc4 to prove t1 in the following, making f uninterpreted:

let {{
    f x y = (x : [32]) + y
t1 <- {{ \a b c -> (a == b + 1) ==> f b c == f c (a - 1) }};
prove_print (w4_unint_cvc4 ["f"]) t1;

and it fails:

prove: 1 unsolved subgoal(s)
Invalid: [a = 2, b = 1, c = 0]

In the following, I have extracted the SMT script from the query to cvc4 above, modified it to ask for 5 abducts, and restricted the grammar over which the solver can produce abducts:

(set-option :produce-abducts true)
(set-option :incremental true)
(set-option :smtlib2_compliant true)
(set-option :diagnostic-output-channel "stdout")
(set-option :produce-models true)
(set-logic QF_UFBV)
(define-fun s3 () (_ BitVec 32) #x00000001)
(declare-fun s0 () (_ BitVec 32))                                                      ;variable "x0_a"
(declare-fun s1 () (_ BitVec 32))                                                      ;variable "x1_b"
(declare-fun s2 () (_ BitVec 32))                                                      ;variable "x2_c"
(declare-fun |f#826| ((_ BitVec 32) (_ BitVec 32)) (_ BitVec 32))     ;uninterpreted function f

(define-fun s4 () (_ BitVec 32) (bvadd s1 s3))   ;b + 1
(define-fun s5 () Bool (= s0 s4))   ;a = b + 1
(define-fun s6 () (_ BitVec 32) (|f#826| s1 s2))   ;f b c
(define-fun s7 () (_ BitVec 32) (bvsub s0 s3))   ;a - 1
(define-fun s8 () (_ BitVec 32) (|f#826| s2 s7))   ;f c (a - 1)
(define-fun s9 () Bool (= s6 s8))   ;(f b c) = f c (a - 1)
(define-fun s10 () Bool (not s5))   ;~(a = b + 1)
; Final goal (implication unfolded): (f b c = f c (a - 1)) v ~(a = b + 1)
(define-fun s11 () Bool (or s9 s10))
; Goal negated for unsat query: ~((f b c = f c (a - 1)) v ~(a = b + 1))
(define-fun s12 () Bool (not s11))

; -- finalAssert ---
;(assert s12)

;Give me 5 abducts with the give grammar, the disjunction of which would entail s11
(get-abduct abd s11
((GB Bool) (GBV32 (_ BitVec 32))) ;Grammar non-terminals
  ( ;Grammar rules    
      (GB Bool (
                ;(bvult GBV32 GBV32) (bvugt GBV32 GBV32)   ;unsigned comp
                ;(bvslt GBV32 GBV32) (bvsgt GBV32 GBV32)   ;signed comp
                (= GBV32 GBV32) (not GB) (and GB GB) (or GB GB)   ;both
      (GBV32 (_ BitVec 32) (
                s0 s1 s2   ;variables
                #x00000001 #x00000000 #xFFFFFFFF   ;constants
                (|f#826| GBV32 GBV32)   ; uninterpreted functions
                ;(bvnot GBV32) (bvand GBV32 GBV32) (bvor GBV32 GBV32) (bvxor GBV32 GBV32)   ;logical
                ;(bvneg GBV32) (bvadd GBV32 GBV32) (bvsub GBV32 GBV32)   ;linear arithmetic
                ;(bvmul GBV32 GBV32)   ;mult   
                ;(bvudiv GBV32 GBV32) (bvurem GBV32 GBV32)   ;unsigned div/rem
                ;(bvsdiv GBV32 GBV32) (bvsrem GBV32 GBV32)   ;signed div/rem
                ;(bvshl GBV32 GBV32) (bvlshr GBV32 GBV32)   ;shifts
                ;(bvashr GBV32 GBV32)   ;signed shift
                ;(ite GB GBV32 GBV32)   ;ite

The solver gives me the following 5 abducts:

a = b
b = c
f b c = f c b
x = y ^ x = z
x = y ^ x = 1

The third one might suggest to the user that the SMT solver doesn’t need the entire interpretation of f, but just that it is commutative. One can imagine the following integration: with f fully interpreted, the solver times out (this doesn't actually happen with this example). So the user sees if the goal can be proved by the solver with f uninterpreted, but it fails. Now the user has a third option of asking the solver some details (primarily about f) that would help the solver prove the goal, without the entire definition of f. For this integration to work, we need to be able to call the get-abduct and get-abduct-next commands from cvc5, we need a better interface for the user to be able to specify the symbols over which they want abducts (as opposed to the clunky grammar I have manipulated above in the SMTLib script), and perhaps some smart way for SAW to choose default grammars.


From the Crux release blogpost, the following code returns a counterexample of MAX_INT for x:

fn test_inc_correct_symbolic() {
    let x = u32::symbolic("x");
    assert!(x + 1 > x);

This corrected code is proved by the SMT solver:

fn test_inc_correct_good() {
    let x = u32::symbolic("x");
    if(x != u32::MAX) {
        assert!(x + 1 > x);

The following SMT script asks for 5 abducts for code snippet 1, also with a restricted grammar:

(set-option :produce-abducts true)
(set-option :incremental true)
(set-logic QF_BV)
(declare-fun x () (_ BitVec 32))   ;variable x

;Give me 5 abducts with the give grammar, the disjunction of which would entail the assertion
(get-abduct abd (bvugt (bvadd x #x00000001) x)
((GB Bool) (GBV32 (_ BitVec 32))) ;Grammar non-terminals
  ( ;Grammar rules    
      (GB Bool ((= GBV32 GBV32) (not GB) (and GB GB) (or GB GB)   ;both
                (bvult GBV32 GBV32) (bvugt GBV32 GBV32)   ;unsigned 
                ;(bvslt GBV32 GBV32) (bvsgt GBV32 GBV32)   ;signed
      (GBV32 (_ BitVec 32)  (x   ;variables
                   #x00000001 #x00000000 #xFFFFFFFF   ;constants
                          ;(bvnot GBV32) (bvand GBV32 GBV32) (bvor GBV32 GBV32) (bvxor GBV32 GBV32)   ;logical
                          (bvneg GBV32) (bvadd GBV32 GBV32) (bvsub GBV32 GBV32) (bvmul GBV32 GBV32)   ;arithmetic
                          ;(bvudiv GBV32 GBV32) (bvurem GBV32 GBV32)   ;div/rem
                          ;(bvsdiv GBV32 GBV32) (bvsrem GBV32 GBV32)   ;signed div/rem
                          ;(bvshl GBV32 GBV32) (bvlshr GBV32 GBV32)   ;shifts
                          ;(bvashr GBV32 GBV32)   ;signed shifts
                          (ite GB GBV32 GBV32)))   ;ite

Again, grammar restriction is crucial. Manually, since I see + in the input assertion, I use all arithmetic operators in the grammar, since I see unsigned >, I use all unsigned comparison operators, and the constants 0, 1, and MAX_INT since it might be useful to have abducts over them. This process is to be automated, or delegated to the user or some combination thereof. The result from the SMT solver:

(define-fun abd () Bool (= x #b00000000000000000000000000000001))
(define-fun abd () Bool (= x #b00000000000000000000000000000000))
(define-fun abd () Bool (bvult x #b00000000000000000000000000000001))
(define-fun abd () Bool (bvult x #b11111111111111111111111111111111))
(define-fun abd () Bool (= (bvneg x) x))

One of the 5 formulas would suffice to prove the previously unprovable goal from code snippet 1. A user might find the 4th solution most useful and comparable to the guard used in the conditional in code snippet 2.


RyanGlScott commented 2 years ago

Oops, I think that was accidentally closed by merging GaloisInc/crucible#1037. That does address a number of bullet points in this issue, but not all of them.