GaloisInc / saw-script

The SAW scripting language.
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Overrides fail to notice that fresh variable is reachable via precondition #2035

Open RyanGlScott opened 6 months ago

RyanGlScott commented 6 months ago

Given this C program:

// test.c
#include <stdint.h>

uint32_t g(uint32_t x) {
  return 0;

uint32_t f(uint32_t x) {
  return g(x);

And this SAW file:

// test.saw
m <- llvm_load_module "test.bc";

let g1_spec = do {
  x <- llvm_fresh_var "x" (llvm_int 32);

  llvm_execute_func [llvm_term x];

  llvm_return (llvm_term x);

let g2_spec = do {
  x <- llvm_fresh_var "x" (llvm_int 32);
  y <- llvm_fresh_var "y" (llvm_int 32);
  llvm_precond {{ x == y }};

  llvm_execute_func [llvm_term x];

  llvm_return (llvm_term y);

let f_spec = do {
  x <- llvm_fresh_var "x" (llvm_int 32);

  llvm_execute_func [llvm_term x];

  llvm_return (llvm_term x);

g1_ov <- llvm_unsafe_assume_spec m "g" g1_spec;
g2_ov <- llvm_unsafe_assume_spec m "g" g2_spec;

llvm_verify m "f" [g1_ov] false f_spec z3;
// llvm_verify m "f" [g2_ov] false f_spec z3;

Verifying f by using g1_ov as an override works, as expected:

$ clang test.c -c -emit-llvm -g
$ ~/Software/saw-1.1/bin/saw test.saw
[23:47:55.604] Loading file "/home/ryanglscott/Documents/Hacking/SAW/test.saw"
[23:47:55.608] Assume override g
[23:47:55.647] Assume override g
[23:47:55.647] Verifying f ...
[23:47:55.647] Simulating f ...
[23:47:55.647] Registering overrides for `g`
[23:47:55.647]   variant `Symbol "g"`
[23:47:55.647] Matching 1 overrides of  g ...
[23:47:55.647] Branching on 1 override variants of g ...
[23:47:55.647] Applied override! g
[23:47:55.647] Checking proof obligations f ...
[23:47:55.647] Proof succeeded! f

If you uncomment the llvm_verify m "f" [g2_ov] false f_spec z3; line, however, that does not work:

$ ~/Software/saw-1.1/bin/saw test.saw
[23:48:38.261] Loading file "/home/ryanglscott/Documents/Hacking/SAW/test.saw"
[23:48:38.264] Assume override g
[23:48:38.304] Assume override g
[23:48:38.304] Verifying f ...
[23:48:38.304] Simulating f ...
[23:48:38.304] Registering overrides for `g`
[23:48:38.304]   variant `Symbol "g"`
[23:48:38.304] Matching 1 overrides of  g ...
[23:48:38.305] Stack trace:
"llvm_verify" (/home/ryanglscott/Documents/Hacking/SAW/test.saw:34:1-34:12)
Symbolic execution failed.
Abort due to assertion failure:
  test.c:9:10: error: in f
  All overrides failed during structural matching:
  *  Name: g
     Location: /home/ryanglscott/Documents/Hacking/SAW/test.saw:31:10
     Argument types: 
     - i32
     Return type: i32
     - symbolic integer:  width = 32
     at /home/ryanglscott/Documents/Hacking/SAW/test.saw:31:10
     Fresh variable(s) not reachable via points-tos from function inputs/outputs:
       fresh:y#934 : [32]
Stack frame f
    StackAlloc 4 0x4:[64] Mutable 4-byte-aligned test.c:8:21
    Indexed chunk:
      4 |->   *(4, 0x0:[64]) := c@10:bv
Base memory
    GlobalAlloc 3 0x0:[64] Immutable 1-byte-aligned [defined function ] f
    GlobalAlloc 2 0x0:[64] Immutable 1-byte-aligned [defined function ] g
    GlobalAlloc 1 0x0:[64] Immutable 1-byte-aligned [external function] llvm.dbg.declare

This is surprising, as g2_spec out to be equivalent to g1_spec. SAW is complaining that the fresh variable y is not reachable from the function inputs, but it ought to be reachable via the x == y precondition. Sadly, SAW doesn't look at preconditions when reasoning about fresh variable reachability, but it really ought to.

You might ask: why would you ever write g2_spec when you could instead write g1_spec? Admittedly, this example is rather contrived, but it would be natural to write something like g2_spec if the function took some ghost state as an argument.

RyanGlScott commented 6 months ago

Admittedly, this example is rather contrived, but it would be natural to write something like g2_spec if the function took some ghost state as an argument.

Actually, I just realized that adding ghost state makes this error go away. That is, if you write this:

// test.saw
m <- llvm_load_module "test.bc";
ghost <- llvm_declare_ghost_state "ghost";

let g1_spec = do {
  x <- llvm_fresh_var "x" (llvm_int 32);
  llvm_ghost_value ghost x;

  llvm_execute_func [llvm_term x];

  llvm_return (llvm_term x);

let g2_spec = do {
  x <- llvm_fresh_var "x" (llvm_int 32);
  y <- llvm_fresh_var "y" (llvm_int 32);
  llvm_precond {{ x == y }};
  llvm_ghost_value ghost y;

  llvm_execute_func [llvm_term x];

  llvm_return (llvm_term y);

let f_spec = do {
  x <- llvm_fresh_var "x" (llvm_int 32);
  llvm_ghost_value ghost x;

  llvm_execute_func [llvm_term x];

  llvm_return (llvm_term x);

g1_ov <- llvm_unsafe_assume_spec m "g" g1_spec;
g2_ov <- llvm_unsafe_assume_spec m "g" g2_spec;

llvm_verify m "f" [g1_ov] false f_spec z3;
llvm_verify m "f" [g2_ov] false f_spec z3;

Then both calls to llvm_verify succeed. It would still be nice if the original specs worked on their own, however.

sauclovian-g commented 6 months ago

This kind of spec also arises naturally if you have a bunch of inputs and a bunch of outputs, and some of the outputs are equal to some of the inputs.

RyanGlScott commented 6 months ago

Here is a slightly more exotic variant of the program above:

// test.c
#include <stdint.h>

void g(uint32_t x) {}

void f(uint32_t x) {
// Test.cry
newtype T = { runT : [32] }

runT_ : T -> [32]
runT_ t = t.runT
// test.saw

m <- llvm_load_module "test.bc";
import "Test.cry";

let g1_spec = do {
  y <- llvm_fresh_cryptol_var "y" {| T |};
  llvm_execute_func [llvm_term {{ y.runT }}];

let g2_spec = do {
  y <- llvm_fresh_cryptol_var "y" {| T |};
  llvm_execute_func [llvm_term {{ runT_ y }}];

let f_spec = do {
  x <- llvm_fresh_var "x" (llvm_int 32);
  llvm_execute_func [llvm_term x];

g1_ov <- llvm_unsafe_assume_spec m "g" g1_spec;
g2_ov <- llvm_unsafe_assume_spec m "g" g2_spec;

llvm_verify m "f" [g1_ov] false f_spec z3;
llvm_verify m "f" [g2_ov] false f_spec z3;

g1_spec and g2_spec are almost identical, except that g1_spec uses a direct Cryptol record accessor, whereas g2_spec has one more level of indirection via a Cryptol function. Despite the two specs' similarities, only g1_spec can be used as a compositional override when verifying f_spec:

$ ~/Software/saw-1.1/bin/saw test.saw
[20:51:22.982] Loading file "/home/ryanscott/Documents/Hacking/SAW/test.saw"
[20:51:23.092] Assume override g
[20:51:23.131] Assume override g
[20:51:23.131] Verifying f ...
[20:51:23.131] Simulating f ...
[20:51:23.131] Registering overrides for `g`
[20:51:23.131]   variant `Symbol "g"`
[20:51:23.132] Matching 1 overrides of  g ...
[20:51:23.132] Branching on 1 override variants of g ...
[20:51:23.132] Applied override! g
[20:51:23.132] Checking proof obligations f ...
[20:51:23.132] Proof succeeded! f
[20:51:23.132] Verifying f ...
[20:51:23.132] Simulating f ...
[20:51:23.132] Registering overrides for `g`
[20:51:23.132]   variant `Symbol "g"`
[20:51:23.132] Matching 1 overrides of  g ...
[20:51:23.133] Stack trace:
"llvm_verify" (/home/ryanscott/Documents/Hacking/SAW/test.saw:26:1-26:12)
Symbolic execution failed.
Abort due to assertion failure:
  test.c:7:3: error: in f
  All overrides failed during structural matching:
  *  Name: g
     Location: /home/ryanscott/Documents/Hacking/SAW/test.saw:23:10
     Argument types: 
     - i32
     Return type: <void>
     - symbolic integer:  width = 32
     at /home/ryanscott/Documents/Hacking/SAW/test.saw:23:10
     Fresh variable(s) not reachable via points-tos from function inputs/outputs:
       fresh:y#934 : Main::T
Stack frame f
    StackAlloc 4 0x4:[64] Mutable 4-byte-aligned test.c:6:17
    Indexed chunk:
      4 |->   *(4, 0x0:[64]) := c@24:bv
Base memory
    GlobalAlloc 3 0x0:[64] Immutable 1-byte-aligned [defined function ] f
    GlobalAlloc 2 0x0:[64] Immutable 1-byte-aligned [defined function ] g
    GlobalAlloc 1 0x0:[64] Immutable 1-byte-aligned [external function] llvm.dbg.declare
RyanGlScott commented 5 months ago

Upon a closer inspection, the discrepancy in is perhaps not that unreasonable. After typechecking, Cryptol desugars T to [32], and y.runT will desugar to just y. This means that g1_spec is morally equivalent to:

let g1_spec = do {
  y <- llvm_fresh_var "y" (llvm_int 32);
  // llvm_execute_func [llvm_term y];
  llvm_execute_func [llvm_term y];

And that is quite straightforward.

What makes g2_spec not as straightforward is that we have to match the term {{ runT_ y }}, where runT_ is a function. The only way to know if y is reachable in this instance is to know that runT_ y uniquely determines y. It does in this case, but this would require a more sophisticated analysis in general to handle arbitrary functions. Moreover, we don't want to conclude that y is reachable if we were matching against, say, const 42 y.

sauclovian-g commented 5 months ago

It might be possible to deal with the most irritating manifestations of this issue by, if you run into a function, just trying to unfold it and see if that gives something tractable.

But that's quite different from reasoning about equalities. Or worse (as came up on Formal VerSo this week) equivalences that are not strict equality.

RyanGlScott commented 5 months ago

I suspect that unfolding functions would only work in the most trivial of scenarios, where f x unfolds directly to x (e.g., the contrived test case in Most interesting functions f will be more complex than this, and SAW doesn't really have the machinery to reason about this.

Generally speaking, if you write llvm_execute_func [llvm_term y], SAW expects y to be a concrete term or a bare symbolic variable. SAW wasn't really built with the expectation that y would be a compound term such as f x, and that is where the challenge lies.

sauclovian-g commented 5 months ago

Yes and no; remember that case was contrived because exactly the same thing came up in reality (in Formal VerSo, for anyone following along at home). But also, it was deep inside a nontrivial Cryptol model, where the modularity of private newtypes and accessor functions has some value.

IDK, it might be time to revisit that expectation because the things involved in that case (multiple different representations of the same values, so you have to be able to reason across their equivalences) isn't entirely uncommon in a lot of contexts. :-|