Galts-Gulch / avarice

Multi-Indicator Python3 OKCoin CN & Intl Trading Bot/Infrastructure
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ltc not supported #4

Closed coincrypt closed 9 years ago

coincrypt commented 9 years ago

Litecoin is currently not supported. It throws an error if you try to run

coincrypt commented 9 years ago

Please see changes to to add ltc support import asyncio import hashlib import json

import websocket import websockets

class OKCoinWSPublic:

Ticker = None

def init(self, pair): self.pair = pair

@asyncio.coroutine def initialize(self): TickerFirstRun = True while True: if TickerFirstRun or not TickerFirstRun = False if self.pair == 'btc_cny': sockpair = 'btccny' url = "wss://" elif self.pair == 'btc_usd': sockpair = 'btcusd' url = "wss://" elif self.pair == 'ltc_cny': sockpair = 'ltccny' url = "wss://" elif self.pair == 'ltc_usd': sockpair = 'ltcusd' url = "wss://" print('Connecting to Public OKCoin WebSocket...') try: ws = yield from websockets.connect(url)


      yield from ws.send("{'event':'addChannel','channel':'ok_" + sockpair + "_ticker'}")
    except Exception:
      TickerFirstRun = True
  OKCoinWSPublic.Ticker = yield from ws.recv()

class OKCoinWSPrivate: TradeOrderID = None

def init(self, pair, api_key='', secret=''): self.pair = pair self.api_key = api_key self.secret = secret if self.pair == 'btc_cny': self.url = "wss://" elif self.pair == 'btc_usd': self.url = "wss://" elif self.pair == 'ltc_cny': self.url = "wss://" elif self.pair == 'ltc_usd': self.url = "wss://" print('Connecting to Private OKCoin WebSocket...') notconnected = True while notconnected: try: = websocket.create_connection(self.url) notconnected = False except Exception: pass

def buildMySign(self, params, secretKey): sign = '' for key in sorted(params.keys()): sign += key + '=' + str(params[key]) + '&' data = sign + 'secret_key=' + secretKey return hashlib.md5(data.encode("utf8")).hexdigest().upper()

def userinfo(self): params = {'api_key': self.api_key} sign = self.buildMySign(params, self.secret) try:"{'event':'addChannel', 'channel':'ok_spot" + self.pair[-3:] + "_userinfo',\ 'parameters':{ 'api_key':'" + self.api_key + "', 'sign':'" + sign + "'} }") info = except (websocket._exceptions.WebSocketTimeoutException, websocket._exceptions.WebSocketConnectionClosedException): = websocket.create_connection(self.url)"{'event':'addChannel', 'channel':'ok_spot" + self.pair[-3:] + "_userinfo',\ 'parameters':{ 'api_key':'" + self.api_key + "', 'sign':'" + sign + "'} }") info = return info

def cancelorder(self, order_id): params = {'api_key': self.api_key, 'symbol': self.pair, 'order_id': order_id} sign = self.buildMySign(params, self.secret) try:"{'event':'addChannel', 'channel':'ok_spot" + self.pair[-3:] + "_cancel_order', 'parameters':{ 'api_key':'" + self.api_key

RealJohnGalt commented 9 years ago

Thank you! I can't believe this slipped past me.