Game351-Group / Assignment3

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Choice Feature #5

Closed ArmsTina closed 5 months ago

ArmsTina commented 5 months ago
  1. Toggle the Camera: Implement a camera toggle for the player’s character using the ‘T’ key. The toggle should allow the player to switch between two views: First-person camera and orbit camera. In the first-person mode, the camera should provide a view from the character’s height and the player should not see the character mesh. (You may optionally show the character’s arm and active weapon, although this is not required.) In orbit camera mode, the player should see a third-person view that can be re-oriented on their character using the mouse X-Y axis motion while the left click button is held down (i.e. click + drag). The player should be able to press the ‘R’ key to reset the camera to a default “over the shoulder view” of the character while in this mode. The chosen orientation should stay active until the mouse drag is invoked again or the ‘T’ or ‘R’ key is pressed. Note that the W, A, S, D keys should be used to move and turn the character (as per the provided template) in both modes.

  2. Bandits Shoot Back: Allow bandits to turn toward and shoot at the player, similar to your implementation of target shooting for the player (Part 3), but with one major addition: bandits can’t shoot straight and frequently miss. To simulate this behavior, add a small, randomized deviation angle to each bullet fired. The random angle should be between min_angle and max_angle, which are settable in the Inspector. This should cause the bullet to deviate in a cone of angles around the true firing direction. Note that min and max values of 0.0 should yield a bullet that always travels true for the intended firing direction (i.e. doesn’t miss). Make sure the bandits can’t shoot through walls or other obstacles to hit our player! Also, each bandit should fire sporadically, every 30 to 60 seconds. When a bandit doesn’t miss – and the player is hit – provide a visual or audible cue for this (e.g. use a health bar, ‘buzz’ sound, ‘pain’ sound, etc). Be creative!

  3. Monsoon Weather: Create a believable monsoon storm with dark clouds, rain, thunder, and lightning. Use Unity’s particle system and VFX Graph capabilities to help create your weather system. Develop interesting textures for rain drops, clouds, and bolts of lightning. Include sound effects, including the sounds of rain, wind, and – when lightning strikes – claps of thunder. You may want to use a bloom shader on your lightning bolts, although this is not required. The designer should be able to set a float or integer variable RainRate in the Inspector to adjust the amount of monsoon rainfall on a scale from moderate to torrential. Note that you may not use a pre-made weather asset packages (i.e. storm system or other VFX Graph package) from the Asset Store or other sources – you must develop these features yourself. You may, however, use individual textures and/or tutorials to assist you in the creation process (please cite in your readme).

ArmsTina commented 5 months ago

Toggle the Camera is done by Que. Bandits Shoot Back, Monsoon Weather are done by Charis.