GameModsBR / MineCity

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Thaumcraft 4 #68

Open joserobjr opened 7 years ago

joserobjr commented 7 years ago


Eufranio commented 7 years ago

Eldritch Portal Enter in a city trough a porta, or enter in the portal? Confusing... Arcane door I think Arcane Doors shouldn't be protected, because the reason it exist is to allow only certain USERS, not groups, use it. Travelling trunk picking up items This is not really necessary, some players can use it to collect the payment from the residents, while the permission is pickup false (then other players can't pickup items, only the chest). Arcane levitator (lifter) levitating entities If a player can place a Arcane Levitator, why wouldn't he able to move entities? . _. Magic hand mirror Why would it need to be protected? Vis Relay I think it should not to be protected, because it can't "decrease" the node status/vis, not modifying the node and stuff itself, and allow players to build a "vis recharge station" without the players be stolen or modifying the nodes.

You forgot the MODIFY protection to shift-clicking in a jar/void jar with a empty hand to drain the jar.

joserobjr commented 7 years ago

Eldritch Portal Enter in a city trough a porta, or enter in the portal? Confusing...

MineCity needs to change the teleportation destiny to a place where the player can enter, similar to what happens when a player enter a nether portal in Bukkit's implementation

I think Arcane Doors shouldn't be protected, because the reason it exist is to allow only certain USERS, not groups, use it.

The problem lies when the original owners no longer have permission in that terrain (a sold plot for example), the door permission needs to be readjusted to allow the new owner (the owner of the location is always allowed to do everything), I've already implemented a warding protection that allows the owner to remove wardings and also allows a player who can modify that terrain to remove it when the warding owner cannot modify that location anymore, this way the players will never need to ask for a server admin to remove that.

Travelling trunk picking up items - This is not really necessary, some players can use it to collect the payment from the residents, while the permission is pickup false (then other players can't pickup items, only the chest).

The player cannot drop items where they can't pickup, so if pickup is false nobody will be allowed to drop anything.

Hungry chests (chest that eat what we drop on it) can pickup everything with no issues because it's not movable, but travelling trunks is like a personal movable chest, the ownership will be bound to it's owner so the owner of the terrain will not be allowed to open it.

Arcane levitator (lifter) levitating entities - If a player can place a Arcane Levitator, why wouldn't he able to move entities? . _.

The players will only be able to levitate entities that they have permission. If we have a plot on top of other, the owner of the plot below could place a levitator to make the entities in the plot above escape.

Magic hand mirror - Why would it need to be protected?

Somebody could create link, sell the plot and then use it to spawn itens without the new owner's permission.

Vis Relay

I know that vis relay can be used like wires, I'm not planning to protect this type of usage but I'm still investigating why it tracks the players that close to them

You forgot the MODIFY protection to shift-clicking in a jar/void jar with a empty hand to drain the jar.

Thank you

Eufranio commented 7 years ago

Thank you by the answer!