GameOfLightAndShadows / SmarTac

tactical role playing game functional reactive framework
MIT License
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Set weight limit and add & drop functions #100

Closed Kavignon closed 7 years ago

Kavignon commented 7 years ago

The player won't be able to put more than over 100kg worth of items in the inventory bag. Add and drop are pretty basic for the inventory. When the player will be in the shop to fill the bag with items that they wish to have, they want to add maybe one item or a type or many of one type or one of many types or many of many types. Same goes for the drop when the bag becomes too heavy.

Kavignon commented 7 years ago

I've increased the limit to 500kg because 100kg seemed way too restrictive. Might have some problems for a real release concerning that items are removed entirely instead of being able to drop a certain quantity of the items, but this feature will need to come at a later time.